Sad announcement (A/N)

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Hi guys, you, yeah you, I see you. You like this anime? I like it too. It was very nice watching it, it made me laugh and made me ship characters, which it a good sign.

One day, I was bored and went on Netflix to watch something. What's that? An anime series? Interesting! And I immediately fell in love. It was funny and I watched it all in a day, believe me or not.

Let's read some fanfiction, I thought, but oh what? There's almost none about it! Let's change that, I'll make some oneshots! They were nice to write, but soon I started hyperfixating on something else. Continue the oneshots? Too hard of a task, and I multitask very often!

And so, I started drifting away from the anime, the fandom and my own work, which is this one. It wasn't much, just a few oneshots, but you guys seemed to like it a lot. And thank you for that. I felt special. But I think it's time to say goodbye to this book. Maybe I will return to it one day, who knows? I won't delete it, it will stay in my works, so I can at least look at it and see how popular I got at some point!

Other than that, see you in my other books!

Love you, Alex.

(God,  why must this be so emotional.)

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