Chapter 1

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I'm not good with titles I'm sorry😭

In this story kid Dazai is about 13 yrs old. This takes place after Mori took him in (he's still not in the mafia tho)

"Dazai-San please refrain from drowning yourself..." Atsushi said and sighed deeply

Meanwhile Dazai had just gotten back his consciousness after an attempt to drown himself and he certainly didn't look pleased.

"Dammit..." Dazai spit

"I have to go back to the agency to finish someone's reports..." he looked annoyed

"Thanks again for helping me out with my work Atsushi-Kun" Dazai chuckled slightly

"Can I trust you to walk back home on your own?"

"Of course Atsushiii!"

Atsushi sighed once again and started walking towards the agency. On the other hand, Dazai who had finished his shift, by doing nothing all day, started walking back to his house.

Once he finally arrived he noticed a small bottle laying on his doorstep. Huh? Could it be... poison?! Dazai was now excited to try it out.

He walked inside and took off his shoes and coat. He cheerfully walked over to his kitchen counter that was covered with alcohol bottles, some empty some not, and placed the miniature looking bottle of possibly poison on.

"Hmm let's see what you can do!" Dazai said to himself as he chugged down the small bottle all at once.

He stood there for a few minutes, waiting for it have effects but there was no avail. He sighed knowing he failed another one of his attempts. Stupid poison tolerance!

His excitement had worn off by now so he just walked back to the living room and plopped himself on the couch. He watched TV for a good 10 minutes when he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. Is the poison finally working?!

Then everything just went black.


"Where's that idiot Dazai?! He wasn't only late yesterday but also today!" Kunikida yelled

"Calm down Kunikida... it's only 8:30 maybe he overslept or something." Atsushi said nervously

"He was supposed to be here 30 minutes and 40 seconds ago!"

"Oi brat can you go get him?" Kunikida's tone changed from an angry one to a calm one in seconds

"H-huh me?!" Atsushi wasn't expecting an answer.

Atsushi sighed and walked out of the agency. He'd never been to Dazai's house before but he knew where it was located.

After about 20 minutes of walking, Atsushi had finally arrived. He was so exhausted because of the long distance he had to walk to get here. No wonder Dazai was late almost everyday.

He found some spare keys under the doormat and unlocked the door quietly. Once he stepped foot into the apartment he was shocked. There were alcohol bottles everywhere! He even saw piles of dirty clothes and bandages. He imagined his mentor's apartment would be messy but surely he didn't expect this messy!

He opened the lights and suddenly he saw a small and fragile boy sitting on the couch.

"Uh... who are you?" Atsushi asked the little boy only to realize the teenager was asleep.

Atsushi didn't really want to wake him up since he looked so peaceful but his curiosity took over him. He walked over to the boy, trying to avoid some obstacles on the floor and started tapping him on the shoulder. After a few seconds the small intruder started rubbing his eyes and yawned.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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