1: Instant Regret

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𝘚𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘪 𝘙𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯

           "Oh no no no.... Not today" I turned the key in the ignition again, only to be met a weird sound. I laid my head onto my wheel sighing. Out of all days, my car would decide to act up on me.

"Told you to get rid of that hunk of junk" Ennessey said. I had forgot she was still on the phone with me.

"You're not helping sis" I muttered as she let out another laugh.

"Look you're overstimulated, I need you to breathe and focus on today. You're starting your dream job." I took a deep breath like she said as I turned my key, finally hearing the engine roar to life.

"Thank god" I praised as I put my car into reverse.

"Lani it's time to get rid of that car, it's been through it" I stared at the interior of my 2009 Nissan Altima with a pout.

"I know it's just—" I sighed as I turned on my blinker, forgetting that the headlight was out. "It was my pops car"

This car has been eating up so much of my money with constantly fixing it. If it isn't the battery, it's the alternator, or it's the brake pads or the tires. Part of me just wasn't ready to let it go due to all the memories I had of it. I stared at the carving in the dashboard smiling. Not a day goes by that I miss him.

"I won't push you but I do think it's time to find something cheaper and reliable" it grew silent as I took the 3rd exit off the highway.

"So how does it feel to be a fiancé?" I asked changing the topic.

"Surreal" I started smiling. I was genuinely happy for my girl. Since middle school we always talked about our fairytale weddings. As I got older I realized that marriage wasn't possibly in this dating pool.

"All thanks to me" I joked causing her to smack her lips. "If I didn't nudge you to give him a chance and get out of your head, you could've missed an opportunity with an amazing guy."

"I guess.... but Saige was applying pressure from the get go and I was just ignoring all the green flags"

"The growth is amazing, makes my eyes water" I said as she laughed again.

"I can't stand you, but I just got to the office so we'll reconvene later"

"Alright bookie, love ya"

"Love you too, have a good day" once we said our goodbyes, rod wave started blasting in my blown out speakers. I quickly turned the volume down. Cece was right, it was time for a new car.

The ride to my new job was a shorter distance. I still couldn't believe I was actually working here officially. Job openings were very slim at Desioba, due to its status. I pulled into the lot for employees looking for somewhere to park.

If my car didn't start when it did, I was surely going to be late to my first day. I wanted to arrive early to make a good impression but with today's antics I made it with only two minutes to spare. I grabbed all of my stuff out the passenger seat before rushing inside the building.

"Welcome, are you here for orientation?" The receptionist asked with a smile. I nodded.

"Yes ma'am, Solani Raven" she shuffled through some folders before pulling out a big packet.

"Alright Ms.Raven. This includes your work badge, parking sticker, computer logins and codes. If you would follow me please" she passed me the packet as she started the walk. I took my work badge out and clipped it on my shirt as we reached a room that was filled with quite a few people.

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