Chapter 8 - The Wild Dogs

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Fuli - "Hey! Don't you dare call her that!"

Kion was growling with anger, and the winds shifted in the air as the wild dogs fled away from the Lion Guard. If there was one thing Kion hated, it was someone disrespecting his twin, especially by calling her a runt. Only when he felt his sister hugging him and leaning her head against him, the skies began to clear. He was still angry, but as long as Kia was alright, then he would be as well.

Bunga - "Why, I outta! Let me at him! Let me at him!"

Beshte - "Hold it, Little B. The wild dogs are already gone, and besides, we still have to check on the galagos. Right, Kia?"

Kamaria - "Beshte's right. Fuli and I will check on the galagos, and the rest of you can head back to the trail we were taking for our patrol. Ono, mind checking the skies to see if we're all clear to keep patrolling?"

Ono - "Affermative!"

Fuli - "I hate that animals call you a runt. You're small, but you have so much more to you than your size."

Kamaria - "I wish animals didn't call me those types of names, but I'm getting used to it. Besides, it's not like I can do anything about it, you know?"

Fuli - "That's what bothers me. You shouldn't have to be used to it. I mean, you'd think a princess would be more respected when she's been nothing but kind to her kingdom."

Kia smiled and gave her best friend a quick nuzzle in appreciation, but deep down, her feelings were still a little bruised. She wasn't completely lying when she said she was getting used to it. She just didn't mention that it was taking longer to ignore the insults completely rather than hiding how she felt about them. She's been called a lot of names, but the term "runt" hurt the most. Kia knew she was small. She didn't need someone pointing it out to her every second of every day.

Kamaria - "Hey there, you guys. Are you alright? We chased the wild dogs off."

Laini - "We're alright. Thank you so much, your highness. You and the Lion Guard saved us!"

Fuli - "No problem, Laini. It's what we do."

Kamaria - "If you guys are ready to go home, Fuli and I need to get back with the Guard and finish our patrol. See you guys later!"

Laini - "Goodbye, Lion Guard! Thanks again!"

Morning patrol went by quickly, with nothing except a disagreement between the zebras and the antelopes. Kia, being the peacemaker she is, was able to calm things down and make a compromise that left the two herds satisfied. Walking back to the lair to rest, Kia felt her breathing becoming uneven, and her legs started wobbling.

Kamaria - "Hey guys? Do you mind if we slow down a bit? My chest is kinda hurting."

Fuli - "No problem, Sis. Beshte, let Kia ride on your back. We'll take the route that goes through the most trees so the shade can cool her down."

Helping Kia onto Beshte's back, the Guard hurried to the den to let Kia cool down by the water pool in the lair. Thankfully, nobody needed their help as they were walking to Pride Rock, and Kia was able to lay down on the cool, smooth rocks. Letting out a sigh of relief, Kia closed her eyes as Kion checked her pulse. Once satisfied with her heartbeat coming to an even pace, Kion walked over to the ledge and walked Bunga and Ono argue about waking up before the sun rises. Unfortunately, the break was short lived, as Tiifu came in asking for the Guard's assistance.

Tiifu - "My siblings wanted to go out and stretch their legs after they couldn't sleep last night, so I took them around the Pride Lands for a walk, and they got stuck in the aardvark dens."

The Lion King - The Wisest Princessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن