Chapter 28: Have Dragon Will Travel ( Part 2 of Part 2 )

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Fig: All right, enough boy to talk. Before I forget, me and Rune actually made a little surprise for Heather and Clover, mostly Clover.

Astrid and Heather shared a confused yet curious expression.

( Slight Time Skip )

Astrid and Heather were now standing outside of Fig's hut with the dragons,while Fig and Clover were inside. When Fig and Clover walked out of the hut, Clover was wearing a cute gray cotton dress with a razorwhip embroidered on the bottom and black fur boots. Fig watched with a smile as Clover ran to Heather with her tail wagging.

Clover: Up, Mama, up!

Heather picked Clover up and she looked at Fig with a huge smile.

Heather: How did you get her to change out of that shirt? I've only gotten bite and scratch marks whenever I tried to get her to change into something else.

Fig: I rubbed the scent of the old shirt she was wearing onto her new clothes so she could recognize them as her's. It's a territorial thing.

Astrid: Did Rune...

Fig: Make it? Yep, and I got the materials for it.

Windshear looked at the razorwhip embroidered on Clover's dress with a purr.

Fig: And they figured Windshear would like the razorwhip they embroidered on the dress.

Heather: I can't thank you and Rune enough.

Fig: No need, but... ( to Heather, with a serious expression: ) Did you know that Clover has a scar on the back of her left shoulder?

Astrid was shocked and worried to hear this as Heather nodded her head with a sad expression.

Heather: Yes, but she had it when I found her and Windshear. I think she got it from an arrow, but-

Fig: ( knowingly: ) It's perfectly round and too small to be from an arrow.

Heather: Yes, how do you...

Fig: Because... I've seen that scar before. It's not an arrow would. It's a dragon stinger wound. ( knowingly: ) A Deathgripper sting.

Astrid: Deathgripper?

Fig: Trust me, either of you want to know, but... Clover is lucky to be here right now, that's all I'm going to say. ( decides to change the topic when she saw the worried and concerned looks Heather and Astrid were giving her ) But, enough of my rambling, let's do something fun.

( Meanwhile with Rune and Hiccup at the clubhouse )

Hiccup walked into the clubhouse to see that Rune was carefully cleaning the wounds on Tesha's face with Beauty watching over their shoulder.

Hiccup: Hey, Rune, how's Tesha doing?

Rune: The wounds on her face from the muzzle are healing well, they should go away in a few weeks. ( looks at Hiccup ) But, I have a feeling, that you're not doing so well yourself, Hiccup. What's troubling you? Worried about Heather and Clover?

Hiccup: Yes, I'm worried about her wanting revenge against Dagur. It could get her, Clover, and Windshear killed.

Rune: Well, he did take her family and village away from her, she's just in grief and wants to avenge them.

Hiccup: I get that, but...

Rune: Hiccup, she will be okay, she's like me and Fig. We're wild riders, we always figure things out our own way.

Hiccup: Wild riders?

Rune sighs then they stood up and placed Tesha on their shoulder before they looked at Hiccup.

Rune: To Fig and I, there are three kinds of riders. There's wild riders, like me, Fig, and Heather. Then there's kind riders, like you and the gang. Then there's dark riders, they are the ones that don't even deserve the trust and loyalty of a dragon, as they used their dragon or dragons for greed and power. But, you didn't hear this from me, Fig doesn't like talking or thinking about dark riders. We both had bad experiences with them.

Rune then walked out of the clubhouse with Tesha and Beauty, leaving Hiccup confused and concerned for Fig about what kind of life she and Rune had before meeting me and the dragon riders.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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⏰ Última atualização: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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