The black hole of the blackest blackout releases another memory, this being a rather confusing one.

"You mean the one wearing Nightguard armor? It wasn't a costume... or that weird performer's trick?"

"It wasn't a disguise, it was a real changeling. It was also the one whom they tried to assassinate, I'm sure of it. It had a scar on its belly but it was otherwise perfectly healthy and full of love. Considering the wound it sustained, without a constant supply of love and a safe place it would be dead."

"And a bunch of Nightguards taking care of it, am I remembering it right?"

"Exactly. Celestia refused to show me that during her magical reconstruction of the crime but she called the drone Princess Luna's associate. That means both princesses know about the drone and don't consider it an enemy or a prisoner judging by the Nightguards' reactions last night."

"If the princess showed you all that, does she know you're a changeling then?"

"Tough to say..." 1313 sighs, "She loves Blueblood, so if she thought I replaced him I doubt she would be kind to me. That points towards her not knowing. On the other hole, if she's fine with a drone running around the castle then she might be suspicious that not everything is as it seems even if she suspects I am a changeling. Either way, we have to start looking for the attacker, but now we have one more clue to follow. I've been pondering how to follow the said clue since I can't shapeshift."

Zamira, having absolutely annihilated her breakfast, lies down on her back again.

"Just give me a few hours and I'll be good as new."

"If you describe that Raven pony whom Princess Celestia mentioned, I might not need you today."

"Raven Inkwell. Earth pony mare. Grey coat, black mane, big glasses. Princess Celestia's personal assistant. I'm pretty sure everypony in the castle knows her," Zamira groans.

"Thanks. Have a good rest."

"I'll be fine. How about you go grab an aspirin from a pharmacy and we'll visit the castle afterwards, okay?"

"Don't worry, just sleep."

"G'night, buggo."

"Night, stripey."

1313 sits down into the armchair in the corner of the room, listening to Zamira's breathing. As soon as it slows down enough to indicate deep sleep, he walks over to the bed and gives her a kiss laced with a small dose of changeling venom. Without fangs, it's not as if he can use it to manipulate an unwilling target, but it's still a useful tool. After all, what kind of an infiltrator would he be if he transformed completely into a pony, even under duress?

That should help you rest up properly.

With that, 1313 leaves the room and, shortly after, the mansion as well.


The numerous groups of ponies responsible for cleaning Canterlot after last night paid no mind to 1313 as he walked to the castle, and neither did he spot anyone following him this time. Other than them, the city looked lifeless, streets barely even hosting guard patrols. Apparently, the day after the Summer Sun Celebration was some kind of general holiday, which suited 1313 just fine.

The castle staff wasn't so lucky, although it did look as if only a few servants were present, and 1313 had his doubts if Raven would be around despite hearing her to be quite the workaholic. However, asking a random Royal Guard proved that to be the case, as he pointed 1313 in the direction of a small office on the castle's bottom floor where a pony fitting Raven's description called him inside after knocking.

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