
"It's Matt. I'm outside."

I hung up and started walking with Brad. "He's here."

We went outside and Matt was in the alleyway behind the building.

"Matt what's going on?"

"I need help."


"It's Nora. She keeps making try these pills and I don't want to, but I can't stop."

Brad stepped towards him. "What kind of pills?"

"I don't know. But I think she knows I'm here so can you bring me backstage so she can't find me?"

I wanted to say yes, but having a drugged out Matt backstage unattended didn't seem like a good idea. I looked at Brad.

"Go get the guys and see what they think. I'll be okay."

Matt smiled at me. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet. You're not exactly their favorite person."

"I know. I know I fucked up, but I swear if it weren't for the drugs it wouldn't have gone down like it did."

"Ellie! Get away from him." I heard a girl say. I turned and saw Nora running down the alleyway. She pushed me away from Matt.

"Why? So you can keep feeding him drugs to get him to stay with you?"

She chuckled. "Is that what he told you?"

Matt stepped next to her. "Nora please."

She turned and hit him. I grabbed her and pushed her away from us. "If you don't leave I'll call for security right now."

She looked genuinely scared so she ran off.

Brad came outside. "He can chill out backstage for the show."

We nodded our heads and I lead him to our room. Adam was plucking away on his guitar. We all sat around while we waited for the show to start. I couldn't focus while we were on stage. I was afraid that Nora would try to do something. What if Matt wasn't there when we came back?  

We made it through the show and went backstage. Matt was still there and I plopped down on the couch. I chugged some water and looked at Adam. He was worried that I was going to stay behind with Matt.

"I'm gonna step outside for a minute."

Adam stood up. "Let me go with you. It's late."

"I'll be fine."

He looked worried, but sat down anyway.

I walked outside and lit up a cigarette. I was about halfway done with it when I saw Nora approaching. She had two other people with her.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You get mad at Matt for doing drugs and yet your out here smoking." She laughed. "That's hilarious."

"Look I'm not going to listen to you ridicule me for smoking." I put out my cigarette and turned to go inside, but one of the guys that was with her grabbed me.

"Get off me!" I yelled as I yanked my arm away from him.

"What the hell is going on?"

She smiled. "You're in my way. I need Matt. I love him, and your getting in my way."

"Well, I'll just go inside then." I pulled the door open.

One of the guys grabbed me and threw me on the ground.

Nora told the other one to go look for Matt.

"Nora you don't want to do this. You could go to jail."

"At least if I'm in jail I'll never have to see you again."

I stood up and tried to call Adam but he didn't answer. The guy took my phone and threw it down the alley so I couldn't get to it.

"What are you doing?"

He grabbed me and threw me onto the ground again and I hit my head. I tried to get away but he grabbed my wrist and I felt a searing pain. I cried out. I heard the door open and the guy who was hurting me disappeared.

I saw Neil come up to me.

"Are you okay?"

"He hurt my wrist."

He called for Adam and the rest of the band came outside, including Matt.

Adam rushed over to me. "What happened?"

I told them what happened and Adam called the police. An ambulance showed up. They checked out my wrist and said it was sprained and that I was lucky. I walked up to Matt after the police were done questioning him.

"Matt, I'm sorry. I wish I could help you. I think you should do what the cops say. At least if your in rehab you'll be away from her. And you wont be addicted."

He nodded his head. "I'm sorry about all of this."

I smiled. "It's okay. I don't blame you for anything."

He walked away and Adam came over to me.

"Everything alright?"

I nodded my head. "I think so. They couldn't find either of the men or Nora."

"That means no more going out alone."

I smiled. "I think I have to agree."

We all walked to the bus and I stood outside so I could smoke. Adam snatched my cigarette and my lighter.

"What the hell?"

"No more smoking."

I sighed. "What am I supposed to do then?"

"Let's put some music on."

We all gathered in the living room and Adam put on some music. We all jammed out and sung along. by the time we decided to go to bed I didn't feel the need to smoke anymore. I fell asleep in my bunk thinking about Matt. Was he going to be okay? Would I still be able to talk to him? What about my mom? My head spun with thoughts as I tried to sleep. I sighed and figured I wouldn't be getting much sleep so I put my headphones in and listened to music by myself.

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