Though in the same vicinity as Slave Quarters Row, it had still been lonely. Given the absence of her own familial brood that had long passed on. When Shmi had graced her with her presence days later, she'd been grateful. The woman like a second mother had gifted her with a basket of pallies.

The Skywalker's favored fruit.

Excuse my son's behavior, Kieda. Eighteen-year-olds have the hormones of a rancor it seems.

Remembering the matron's words, she couldn't help but laugh aloud with a shake of her head. As grains of sand shifted beneath his long, lean frame, she felt more than sensed Anakin turn on his side.

A small boyish smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, even as he winced at the coarse texture. The dim lights from the balcony accentuated the usual playfulness in his eyes and glimmered. "I know that laugh, what is it Kie?"

Her honeyed gaze warmed considerably as she mirrored his actions. One scarred palm that spoke of her fragility in nature, braced against her head. "Your mother is quite a woman and never ceases to amaze."

Variegated hues of blue softened considerably and mirrored the smile that unfurled on his lips. "I know... I'll never take her for granted. Though I am okay sharing her with you." He bit his lip and grinned. "You know she loves you."

She felt her cheeks warm and shyly cast her eyes to the sandy grounds Anakin would sweep off the homesteads balcony, before they retired for the night. The pad of a finger slowly traced a pattern through the grainious layers.

Tears swelled as the love permeating Anakin's words reached into the sensitive crevices of her soul. "Thank you, Anakin." Having always been strangely attuned to the emotions of others she added in a hoarse voice, "That means everything to me."

"You know it to be true, Keida." His voice had softened to a depth that had her eyes raising to his. There was a deep earnestness that riveted her as those eyes searched hers.

Then, he leaned towards her.

Kieda felt her heart skip as her breaths shallowed.

This was the very boy who had captured her attention the moment she'd been brought in at five standard years. Watto had been pleased to have an extra hand in the shop for domestic work. Scared and unsure, she'd been introduced to a lanky youngling with cropped sandy hair and a self-assured confidence. He'd introduced himself and from that day, a seamless friendship was forged. Such assurance would help boast her meek nature and take him far in the podracing events held in Mos Eisley. She, Wald, and Kit would be left to cheer on from the sidelines with each annual Boonta Eve Classic.

While his mother, Shmi, forcibly looked on in pursed worry.

That empowerment that torched his spirit would herald her own in the years that followed. He'd yearned to see what lay beyond the stars, captivated by the tales told by those who docked at the spaceport. But he'd also encourage her to dream alongside him, regaling her with skits or made trinkets she'd kept on a shelf at home. And as they'd grown together, feelings would surface bridging the gap between friendship and partnership.

Yet even in that time, he hadn't crossed over the precipice that would take their friendship deeper, as if waiting for a moment of spontaneity as ingrained in his nature. Of course, she'd never made it a secret, her feelings. Never had she felt the need to hide them. In fact, he seemed to appreciate how open she was around him. Even when her parents had passed after a tragic cave-in from a spice mine, she'd remained raw and vulnerable solely around him. Willingly accepting his strong embraces and endearing forehead kisses.

Unlike other boys she'd seen play on the few girls around, Anakin had only ever bestowed such gestures on her.

It was no secret he was a very striking young man who rivaled standard beauty ideals. Reminiscent of the angelic beings pilots revered with his golden hair, contoured bone structure and piercing eyes. Numerous advancements had been made on him from sentients over the years. An absurd number of peggats offered that would set him and his mother up for life.

Yet without hesitation, Anakin firmly refused every single offer each time.

As he adjusted the crook of his elbow to balance his weight, a calloused hand borne from laborious work reached out and brushed the side fringe of bangs half concealing her eyes. With a small quirk of his lips, he looked at her just once then reached over.

And touched his lips to her's.

Soft and featherlight, immediate sparks lept between them.

Before Kieda could comprehend the full reality, she was leaning into his chest her lips moving with just as equal fervor with a mix of experimentation and longing. Their breaths molding as one. One hand tangled into those curls bleached from the twin suns. Just as a thumb curled over the arch of his ear.

It felt like hours as if making up for lost time, before they finally parted to pull in a breath.

Whoa that was... quite good.

She felt his lips lift against hers. A low dark chuckle resounded in his throat as a gleaming smile filled with elation broke across his lips. "Kieda..." he breathed silkily.

"Anakin," she whispered against his lips, doe-eyed and innocent as her lids slowly fluttered open. "I've never done that before."

"I know."

"What, what does this mean?"

Pleased by her reaction with a hint of cockiness he answered by angling his head which pulled her deeper into the kiss, sending her senses reeling as a low, peculiar heat uncurled in her abdomen. Yet he pulled away before he stole her breath further.

Cobalt eyes seared into her's with an intensity that brokered thought. Masculine hands corded in muscle curled around the nape of her neck as he replied with a husky edge, "I am going to free you, Kieda Gray. You're coming with me. To the stars..."

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