Chapter Four: The Great Escape

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It was time, and I did not think I couldn't be anymore ready to leave.
Winterfell was home, but it was hell, and Catelyn Tully made it that way.
I made sure over the last few years to set my own version of gun powder in and around the Sept.

How did I set it in the Sept? You may ask, well, the Septa thought she could show me the true gods by making go to the awful one built in the next to the godswood at winterfell. So I spread it around.
I also knew Lady Stark was current in labour with Bran, so everyone was distracted.

Once we had the horses loaded, Jon and Delia were waiting for me, I ran up to the horse, and just as I sat on my saddle,  we started to move then.


it could be heard for miles. You would see the high flames before it settled into a normal fire.
Delia looked at me, and I shrugged while looking at her.

"The sept offended the old gods."

Delia smiled but did not say a word, we road for about another few hours before we were met with ten men, six of them looked like Northerners and the other four looked Essos and by their shivering they did not do well with the cold.

"Good morning men, have you broken your fast."

The men looked at her and laughed before bowing.

"Not yet milady, but you and your little companions can join us."

Bother me and Jon bristle at the little comment but did not say anything, we got down and followed Delia to the stream nearby for the horses to drink and rest for an hour before we left.

We broke our fast with them and we found we really enjoyed their company, we talked about different things and they taught both me and Jkn different moves they had learned.
Once of the Bravvos men introduced me to a spear, and I picked it up really quickly.
When our food was eaten and horses ready, we kept going. I honestly thought Delia would take us to East Watch as fewer men were watching it, but she took us to the main Northern gate, which surprised us.
When we arrived, we were greeted by the Lord Commander.

"What can the men of the nights watch do for you, Lady Umber?"

"We need to see Measter Aemon, then we need to go to the other side of the wall ser."

She all of this as if stating facts, the Lord Commander looked like he had swallowed a lemon.

"Let us talk in private milady."

She nodded and then turned to Larik, then to us, we gathered this was to guard us.
Once she was out of view, we saw a man looking at us, and he looked really familiar.

"What are you looking at, little lady?"

I got down despite all the men's protests and walked towards the man. He got down on one knee, so I was face to face with him.

"You look familiar. What is your name, ser?"

"Ser Alliser Thorne."

My eyes widened, and then I saw another man behind him who must be Ser Jaremy Rykker.
These are the men that would have killed Jon had I not changed the narrative, but they were also Targaryens loyalists, so I know they would not go against us.

"If you had a chance to serve that family once more, would you?"

I looked ser Alliser in the eye, and he looked confused for a moment. Then, hus eyes widened as he looked at me. He swallowed, then looked at Jon and then back at me before nodding.
I gave him a small smile before returning to my twins' side. Jon gave me a strange look before Delia and a pale Lord commander came out.

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