Chaper one | the same old start

Start from the beginning

"Oh my god.. Scarlett look." Valerie nudges my shoulder and I almost don't want to look up, I don't know what to expect with her ever.

As I look up I see Justin Stone. I internally roll my eyes, Valerie has been gawking over Justin since freshman year.

"He is so hot.." Valerie trails off before giving doe eyes to him from across the hall, despite him not noticing.

"I don't know what you see in him Val, he's a total douche." I roll my eyes externally this time.

"I mean look at him." I pay more attention this time as he lets out his ear shattering fuck boy laugh as he dabs up one of his jock friends.

"You're such a negative Nancy!" Valerie exclaims and I laugh a bit at her comment, it might be true but there was no denying that Justin was a total dick, and she knew that.

After a long excruciating ten minutes, the bell finally rings for first period, Valerie and I start walking towards the classrooms.

"What do you have again?" Valerie asks even though I've told her at least fifty times.

"How many times do I have to tell you, English." I snap back as I roll my eyes

"Oh right, I have math." Valerie let's out a sad sigh as if she can't go without me for more than an hour.

"You will live drama queen, we have second period history together, and it's free seating." I smile excitedly.

I don't blame Valerie, I hate the idea of being in class without her. Yeah I was well off and likable if I do say so myself, but Valerie is the only girl who I genuinely feel comfortable with, I can be myself around her.

I sigh as we depart from one another, I head towards my English class and quickly dart in before the crowd of students come fleeing through the door.

I sit at my assigned seat which happened to be at the front of the class. Just great, now I'm prone to being asked more questions that I more than likely don't have the answer to.

Before I know it, everyone who's supposed to be in the class has already been seated and the teacher begins his lesson.

"So, welcome! My name is Mr. Smith and as you know I'm going to be your English teacher all year round! Come on get excited..."

His voice trails off as I take in everything around me, all of the sudden I hear the same ear shattering cackle from the back of the class and I already know who it is... Justin fucking Stone.

I pay no more attention than I need to as Mr. Smith already starts to pass out a new book, it looks like it could be about as thick as War and Peace.

You have got to be kidding..

I stare down at it like it's my worst enemy.

"It's only the first day and you're already having us read this big ass book?" Justin scoffs followed by his douchey friends laughs.

"Yeah well, you came here to learn not twiddle your thumbs and pick your ass." Mr. Smith claps back and I can't help but snicker to myself. I think I like him already.

The class laughs audibly at his comment and you can tell Mr. Smiths proud of himself, Justin doesn't say anything as he pushes the book to the corner of his desk and pulls out his stupidly expensive phone.

Mr. Smith instructed that we read to page 30, so naturally I start reading.

After about ten minutes the book has already sucked me in like a black hole.

Well well well.. Mr. Smith is funny and he knows how to pick a good book, good thing I have no father and find interest in older men.

I cringe at my own comment before shaking it off and continuing to read.

I hear sudden movement from behind me but I don't think much of it until I hear a kid audibly gasp, at this point I turn around and my eyes widen.


Side note: after writing a few chapters, I changed my mind on Scarlett's best friends name. (If you see "Jasmine" anywhere, just know it's supposed to be Valerie.)

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