Fault in our stars!

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Hey!it's been a long time,ikik.
But I was just busy with life and i missed you all a lot!
I hope you are happy with where you are right now.
I didn't have a lot of time to write but this is what I came up with,I hope you enjoy ♥️


Life's been so dull and fall's knocking at my door,
With some kind of feelings that i really can't hold.

You've been away for months but you plan on coming back,for reasons I really can't comprehend.

How's life been for you?I am clueless.
Clueless about your whereabouts and clueless about everything related to you,meeting each other in dreams is not enough and saying 'i love you' just once ain't enough.

But I still find myself talking to you when I am screaming at the sky and I know when you can't sleep you still wish to hear my stolen lullabies.

I hope you find your way back to me,I am still waiting for you but I really don't know till when will I hold on.
I have been holding on from the last 3 years and now it hurts but it doesn't hurts 'good'.
You said we will be okay?
Then why aren't we?
Was it your fault or mine?
Or was it the fault in our stars?

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