Part title

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Emma's P.O.V

Sleep. I really needed it. I collapsed on my bed exhausted forgetting about Henry already alsleep in bed. "Momma!" Hell. I'd woken him up. I looked up through my tangles of long blond hair. "Sorry, kid. Mommas tired. Sorry I woke you, go back to sleep." I replied with a small smile.

"Momma sleep with me? Did Mr. Gold work you and dad lots?" That kid knew so much at the tender age of 9. "Yes Henry. He did. Go back to bed kid while I take a shower. I'll be with you soon."

Henry nodded and snuggled back into his warm sheets. I got up and stood standing there and staring at my son for a little while longer. "Momma you staring." Henry giggled. I did too. "What are we laughing at?" Asked Killian from the door.

I looked over my shoulder to see him. He was so bloody handsome when he is-literally-hot. We had been together for 3 and a half years now, a year after we met. A bit confusing, but our history was always a mess.

"Momma hot, stinky and sweety. She needs to have a shower before she goes to bed. You do too". Henry smiled under the sheets. Killian chuckled and then walked into the room. He reached me and wrapped an arm around my waist but kept his eyes on Henry.

"Then I guess we have to have that shower, shan't we?" Killian then looked at me and smiled. I knew where this was going, but Henry didn't and Killian knew it. We tried to keep it PG around Henry and the rest of the group, but when we were alone (which wasn't often) things got heated. Fast.


I pecked Killian on the lips before walking off to the bathroom. We were close enough to be a family. I hadn't had one of those in... Forever. And after Neal.... I guess I trusted Killian more than him.

I knew everyone was waiting for Killian to get down on one knee. And I'd have to admit, I was too. But all in good time...

XOX (time lapse)

I woke with his arm around my waist and Henry against my chest. Friday morning means training. I turned my head up from Henry's dark hair. 7:20am. Lessons start at 8 for Henry and for Killian and I... Shit.

"Killian" I hissed in his ear. He groaned and pulled me closer and further into his chest if that was even possible. I rolled my eyes at his ignorance. "Gold is going to beat the crap out of you if you don't get out of bed this instance. He is either going to use you as a demonstration manicain or a magical punching bag."

"Hopefully a dashing manicain." Killian whispered. "Shut up and get dressed Jones." I argued. Killian sighed and rolled out of bed. The good part- he got out of bed. The bad part- his arm was still attached to me, meaning I got pulled along with him.

We landed on the floor with a thud. Killian chuckled and I couldn't help it too. A knock at the door startled the both of us. "Emma Swan you better be up or Gold is going to kick your ass" Regina was at the door.

"Regina! That's no way to speak to Emma!" Mary-Margret said. "It's not my fault that Jones and Swan had been mucking around all night and had gotten a... Restful sleep" I knew Regina was smirking behind that door. I jumped off of Killian and ran towards the door quietly then swung it open surprising the shit out of both ladies.

"Good morning to you guys too! And really Regina? Are you kidding me! Regina Mills, I'll have you know that Henry was in the room. We would never do something like that with Henry around! And be quiet he is still sleeping!" I hissed then affectionately looked over at Henry. The kid was still sleeping thank Merlin.

"5 minutes. Clock is ticking!" Regina said unfazed and tapping her imaginary wrist watch. I rolled my eyes and waved my hand, I'll show her time. My body was in golfed in blue and white smoke. A second later I was dressed in a white tank, purple tights, hair up in a messy bun, makeup lightly applied (mascara and eyeliner) along with black ankle boots.

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