Chaoter 13

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Long time no see :3 I was busy with work and stuff. Annnnnnnnd I want to announce another Fanfiction HYUNJIN AS A BODYGUARD x reader!?!? What do you think??

Anyways I will allow us a last comfort chapter.

Waking up again with a bad headache, I couldn't figure out how I ended up in this situation for the second time in a week. My neck hurt, my body felt beaten up, and I needed water but didn't want to get up.

Opening my eyes, the sun blinded me – I always forgot about those big windows. "God damn it," I mumbled, shifting away from the sun.

I turned, cocooned in my blanket, to the other side when an arm unexpectedly circled my waist.

I would've freaked out, but one-night stands had made me kinda used to surprises. Except, I forgot I wasn't in my small Hongdae apartment but in a famous boy group's mansion.

Maybe I partied too much last night.

As the reality of my actual location dawned on me, I opened my eyes in a rush.

"You've got to be kidding me."

„Hyunjin?" I questioned, my tone surprisingly calm.

"Mh?" Hyunjin mumbled, half-asleep, hugging me tighter.

"You have three seconds to explain this until you see the gods' heaven,"

"One," I started counting.

"Mh?" Hyunjin stirred, only half-awake.

"Two," I continued.

He rubbed his eyes, fully waking up and noticing I was upset.

"I can explain," he said, accidentally squeezing my waist with his hands. His brows drew together when he realized that he had been cuddling me the whole night, even though he tried to keep his distance. "Fuck."

"Three," I concluded my counting, launching myself at him. "Pervert. Piece of..." I punched him with all my strength, perched on top of him. "I'm calling the police. Your career is done, you perv."

"Hey, relax!" Hyunjin shouted, shielding his face from my blows. He had a performance in two days; he couldn't afford to look beaten up.

Ignoring his plea, I kept punching. "You picked the wrong fight, Hwang Hyunjin. I'm going to ruin you," I declared. I was feeling too confident when he suddenly grabbed my arm and flipped me around, so I was laying on my back. Pinning me down, he held both of my hands above my head. Shirtless, his muscles flexed with each movement.

"I said, calm down!" He screamed. "Geez, why are you so loud?" Rolling his eyes, it was clear he wasn't in the mood for my sassiness at 9 am. Coffee was a priority first.

I couldn't believe his reaction. "Loud? I have a reason! Why are YOU in my bed?" And why am I changed?" I spat back.

"You told me to stay," Hyunjin asserted, his strength controlling my body but not my mouth.

I would never, ever do that. I repeat, never. None of my ex-boyfriends were allowed to sleep in the same room. Even with one-night stands, I'd grab my things and sneak out, regardless of the time.

Yes, I'm lonely, and yes, sometimes I want someone beside me, but it takes more for them to be allowed to sleep next to me.

"In your dreams, Hwang Hyunjin. Now tell me the truth."

"I do."


"Truth teller."

"Are you drunk?"

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