Chapter 5

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The next day, I woke up feeling refreshed, free from my usual back pain. The bed felt like a cozy haven where I had slept like a fairy in her blooms.

Throughout the night, the melodies of Stray Kids' song echoed in my mind as I dedicated myself to crafting a complex choreography. Under the shimmering moonlight and twinkling stars that peeked through the curtains, inspiration flowed effortlessly.

I imagined dance moves that would make them shine as brightly as the night sky, each step carefully crafted to bring out the best in Stray Kids' performance. This was the essence of the entire album – aiming for perfection, a 5-star performance that would leave a lasting impact.

As the morning sunlight filtered in, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness about the day ahead.

Guided to the dance hall at jyp's, I found myself to be the first one there, even though we had agreed to meet at 8:30.

As I waited, I decided to use the time productively, stretching and going through the choreography once more to ensure it was flawless.

I faced a minor technological struggle with the Bluetooth. Despite being born in the technology era, I found myself clueless about handling it, resulting in a  15-minute 1 vs 1 battle to get the music playing.

Finally, it worked and  my body instinctively moved along with the beats.

Dancing under the soft glow of the dance hall lights, I became lost in the moment, fully immersed in the flow, almost like being in a trance. The passion and creativity that fueled each movement were palpable, and I felt a profound connection with the music, as if it were guiding me through every step.

completing the last and most challenging part of the song  I collapsed onto the floor, perspiration glistening on my forehead.

When I opened my eyes, Bangchan's face was right in front of me, catching me off guard. His amused smirk greeted my surprise, and for a moment, I forgot how to respond.

"Not bad," he said, appreciating my work.

The unexpected encounter had startled me, prompting me to assert, "Don't. Ever. Do. That. Again," pointing at him with a mix of humor and sternness.

Bangchan raised his hands in surrender, seemingly trying to apologize without words

As the entrance door swung open again, the rest of Stray Kids walked in. Half of them seemed still half-asleep, their eyes heavy with drowsiness, while the others brimmed with energy, ready to take on the day's training

They took their places on the bench.

I noticed Felix, appearing tired with his face half-hidden by his hoodie. Minho, seemingly indifferent, which led me to ignore him as well.

Each member greeted me politely, with Lee Know being the exception. In a lighthearted manner, I playfully skipped him, causing him to glare at me unamused.

Felix chuckled at the small exchange, remembering the friendly banter between Lee Know and me from the day before.

Lastly, Hyunjin's husky voice introduced himself, revealing his breathtaking beauty with a mix of doll-like features and a strong, masculine aura. He stood out as the tallest member.

With a slight bow, I expressed my enthusiasm for working with them.

I suggested starting with a warm-up to get them energized and focused for the training ahead.

As we progressed through the training, I provided constructive feedback and corrections to help them refine their movements and bring out the best in their performance.

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