Chapter One

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Chapter One

I watched as one by one my slightly older brother and the rest of the seven were summoned to be rewarded for their parts in the fight against Gaea and the Giants. I couldn't help my soft smile as I watched them get justly rewarded for their efforts. My gaze wondered over the other remaining Roman and Greek demigods that had survived.

I felt a pang of sadness run through as I witnessed the strong bonds between them all, and I couldn't help but envy them slightly. I am a couple months younger than Percy so before the Titan War, no one knew if the Child of the Prophecy would be me or Percy so up until that point Percy and I did pretty much everything together. I even got the curse of Achilles which I still have, my weak spot being my upper inner thigh.

I was never that close with many in camp, preferring to be by myself or with Percy or one of the others of the Big Three. So, I was pretty much a loner even though if asked, I'm more than willing to lend a helping hand. I also knew that I wasn't the favored child of Poseidon. I've seen how he interacts with Percy, Tyson, and Triton and I believe I can count on one hand the interactions I've had with him. But I love Percy, he is an awesome brother and so can't leave without at least saying goodbye to him.

A call of my name caused me to look up to see the council looking over at me along with the seven demigods of the prophecy. I raised an eyebrow but moved forward and stood beside Percy.

As I moved, I became aware of the fact that my red CHB t-shirt, black leather jacket, and jeans were ripped, burned, and torn in several places, covered in who knows what, while my skin underneath remained whole – thanks to the Curse of Achilles.

"Anthea Gallagher, you stand before the Council to be rewarded for not only your efforts in the war against Gaea, but also without you, Nico wouldn't have survived and without the two of you, the war between the Romans and Greeks would have had catastrophic consequences to the mythological world and the human world. As such, we have called you forth to grant you your boon." Zeus, King of the Gods and my uncle, boomed out. I was slightly shocked; I hadn't expected to be recognized. I certainly hadn't last time and I was expecting the same thing this time.

My mind raced as I tried to think.

I stared down at the floor as I thought but I couldn't think clearly with all their eyes and my fellow demigods eyeing and whispering about me. Sudden longing for my mortal family sprang into my heart. I knew what I had to do.

I took a deep breath and looked back up, not even sparing Poseidon a glance when it was obvious, he was trying to catch it.

"Lord Zeus, I appreciate the council granting me a boon. I honestly hadn't expected to so forgive me if this isn't thought out very well." Zeus's eyebrows went up at my respectful tone. I could feel the slight shock of the other gods that hadn't interacted with me before and knew that they were expecting me to be like my brothers or birth father. "I have a two-part request, but I feel too embarrassed to say it out loud. May I approach or write it down?" he raised an eyebrow but with a snap of his fingers, a piece of paper and a pen appeared in my hands. "Thank you, Lord Zeus."

I hunched over and began to write as quickly and neatly as possible, not wanting to try any of the gods' patience and because I wanted to get the Hades out of here.

'I would like a house big enough for seven people in Chicago near the 21st District Police Station and enough mortal money for all of us to get an education but also not worry about money for a while.'

I took a deep breath and then rose to my feet, moving forward and placing the paper and pen in Zeus's god-sized hand. I returned to my spot and waited for him to read it.

I couldn't read his face so couldn't tell if he was going to grant it or not.

"You have done much for us, much more than most realize. As such, I shall grant your two requests. By the time that you return home, everything shall be done."

My eyes lit up and I beamed at him causing my father and my uncles to look at me in slight awe as to them I seemed to almost radiate sunshine.

"Thank you, Lord and Uncle!"

"You are dismissed." I bowed my head and moved back into the other demigods. I reach forward and touch Percy's arm softly as he was speaking to the other seven.

He turned to me instantly and his own face lit up with a smile as he drew me into his arms. "Hey, Anthea. That was slightly shocking, right?" I smiled up at him and at the others as they stood around, paying attention to not only us but also our surroundings. Nico and Thalia joined us.

"It was, I'm glad I was able to think as fast as I did."

"What did you ask for?" Piper, daughter of Aphrodite, asked. Rather rude and nosey if you asked me.

I shrugged. "Kind of personal so don't really want to tell anyone, you know? Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I'm heading out."

Percy's smile dropped as his eyes widened.

"You aren't staying for the party?"

"Or returning to camp?" Nico asked.

"Nah. I'm gonna grab my backpack and then get a bus or train ticket home. Haven't really been seen or heard from in close to two years. So, I want to get home as fast as possible." I lean up and kiss Percy's cheek. "I'll be fine, big brother. I'll call your mom and let her know when I arrive home safely, alright?"

Percy sighed but nodded, knowing that he couldn't stop me. "Okay, but be careful, alright?"

I smirked up at him but didn't respond as I slipped out from under his arm and towards the exit of the council room. I had placed my backpack to the side when we had entered and as I bent to pick it up, a broad tanned hand beat me to it and picked it up. I jerked my head up to see Poseidon standing there.

I couldn't help but to narrow my eyes at him. I didn't have much of a relationship with him, as stated earlier. I knew that he preferred sons to daughters, obviously with his preferential treatment to my brothers so I didn't know why he was standing before me right now.

"Can I have my bag back, please?" I asked him politely.

"Anthea..." he trailed off, his sea green eyes locking onto my matching ones.


He just sighed and handed me my bag. "Would you like me to transport you to Chicago?"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I tossed it onto my back.

"Father, we both know that is not what you really wanted to ask."

He scoffed lightly as he began to lead the way through Olympus slowly. "Your mother would never let me get away with anything either. How is she?" Poseidon asked curiously.

Any fond feelings that I might've been feeling towards him came to an abrupt stop.

"Are you being serious right now?" I demand him, causing him to pause by a fountain as I stared daggers into his eyes, covering up my hurt with anger.

"What?" He asked with a tilt to his head.

"By the gods! Just stop okay. I know that I and my mom aren't important to you, not like Percy and Sally, not like I'm sure your previous sons and their mothers."

"Whoa, I never said you weren't important." Poseidon protested, his eyes wide and earnest. "I've loved, and love, all of my children equally even if they don't see that."

What a load of horse dung.

I'm done with this conversation.

I scoffed. "If that were true, Lord Poseidon, you would know that my mom and my actual dad died ten years ago. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm heading home. Please don't contact me again."

Poseidon's wide eyes stared after me in shock and hurt as I walked away. I raised my eyes once I got to the elevator, turning once I got in and the last I saw was him talking to Percy rapidly but I didn't care any longer.

I'm going home.

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