"What's got you so worked up that you're literally splitting at the seams?" You snapped, "why can't you rely on your family for help? Why don't you rely on your siblings if you aren't comfortable talking with mom? And even then, you can at least tell us there's a problem. You don't have to say what it is, but we would like to know so we can help you. I want to help you. Why the fuck... I want to... I want to help dammit!"

Nox "shifted" their eyes to you. "Family..? You.. consider me as family?" "Why wouldn't I?? You've helped raise me as much has mom and Silvia has."

They didn't utter a word. It wasn't like they could really blink either, but, they would've. Just to get rid of the building tears. If they could even build up.

"Why? Why would you care for a demon? A child murderer.. why would you love me like family? A human.. around a monster like me? You could've been killed! I could've.. I.." they lost their voice as they tried to form a decent, coherent sentence.

You kneeled down to their height, "but I'm still here, right? You taught me how to do many things... like how to make a patchie! How to sew! How to wash clothes and different felts. I could possibly make my own hero costume.." You grabbed one of their tattered hands and gave it a soft squeeze.

"It doesn't matter... I could just easily-"

"I let you possess me, and you didn't take any of my life force. You didn't even touch my soul. Why would I have the incentive that you would ever harm me on purpose?" They looked at you and pulled you down for a squeezing hug. They didn't say anything. They only held you and sobbed. No tears were able to be shed. Only their cries.

You would rub circles on their back and hold them silently. Softly smiling at Nox as if to tell them "it's all right."

However, you were unaware that in the distance, was someone watching. You didn't detect them, neither did Nox. But, nevertheless, there were eyes in you. Two sea foam green ones, which had formed into a sharp glare. "A demon needing to be comforted by a human? Absurd!" It said to itself.

"I must keep a close eye on that human. I must protect them."

The light flutter of feathery wings caught your attention, but you only suspected it to be a seagulls wings.


You walked into your home hand in hand with Nox, who was more chipper than before. Your mother quickly ran over to the door and held both you and Nox in a tight and very warm hug. "Don't ever disappear like that again! I don't know what I would've done if you guys left and I couldn't find you!" Nox laughed before commenting, "burn down the whole city?" "Maybe! I don't know!"

Some bubbles popped from behind your mother and Maka ran straight into your legs. He wrapped his tiny arms around them and looked up with a big grin. Nox visibly flinched. They took a deep breath and grew their signature grin, "heya kid! Where's the patchie.." Maka pointed to the dinner table and quickly went to hug Nox.

Your mother gave a slight shake of her head before waving you all over. "Dinners ready! And I didn't burn it this time 'round." Nox laughed, "a rare sight! Lemme see." They quickly picked up Maka and went into the kitchen with you following.

Silvia was already eating when you walked in. She looked up at you before moving her focus on Nox. She smiled at them and they smiled back in return. Nox put Maka down in his seat.

"So," your mother started as she looked at you, "any idea on what to call the kid?" You nodded. "Maka. Short for Makalo or hope." Silvia jumped, "I knew there was a meaning! I mean, I named you-" "I thought I did though..." Nox interrupted. Both of them sighed.

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