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I thought being home would help, but it merely glazed over the wound. It's like putting a bit of vaseline on a dried up tree, hoping it will help. So, I left.

I went back home to be in silence and peace.


Or not.
I looked through the hole and saw Yoongi on front, waving because he knew I'm looking.

'Hi, Yoo.' I greeted him, and he unexpectedly walked right into me, hugging me tightly

'Hi, sis.'

'What's with the hugging?' I chuckle at the uncommon action

'I haven't seen you in weeks, and you're looking like shit.'

Thanks for that... 'I feel like one, to be honest.'

'Still not better?' He made some sorrowful face, pitying me

'It will take a while, I guess.' I mutter

'Have you... have you spoken to him?' He stuttered

'No. Are you mad??'

'Okay, calm down. I was just wondering.' He called me down right away, motioning for me to not yell at him

'I just have one tiiiny question.' He motions for small, and I knew right away that it's Jimin related, and my heart clenched

'If he really didn't do what you think... would you go back to him?'

'There is no point in that question. I saw it with my own two eyes. And you were the one who kept telling me to stay away from him the entire time. I shouls have listened.'

'Okay, but hypothetically, let's say he didn't. Then what?' He keeps pushing, completeley ignoring the entire second part of my answer

I breathed in and out deeply, giving in. 'Obviously, Yoo, but that's not happening, is it? I just need to stay away.  What's done is done. I need to move on.'

'Okay. I won't ask again.' He pulled back, which was a smart choice.

I can't talk about him. I'm not gonna stop loving him in a few days. Honestly, I don't think I ever will. The thought of him hurts, and it breaks my heart more each day, but it will go away. Eventually.

'Can I still show you what I called about earlier, though?'

'Sure. Go for it.' I bet it's another one of his songs. I really don't wanna listen to it right now, but he looks happy, and I'm not gonna shit on it just because I feel like dying.

'Okay. Sit here.' He pulls me down on the couch, then pulls his phone out, turning it horizontally and clicking on it. 'Ready?'

'Yeah.' I sigh quietly as he places his phone in my hand. I looked at it lazily, just going through motions. A video?

Hold on, that hallway... that's Jimin's building. Fuck that. That's his door. And there's Haeun. Is this-

'No.' I give it back to him, but he pushes it back

'Shut up and watch. Trust me.' He got into his serious tone, keeping the phone in front of my face

I don't want to watch, but I also do.
By the time I looked back, there was Jimin. Coming out of his apartment, seemingly rushing out.

I watched Jimin's body flinch at the sight of Haeun, and then the audio came in.

'Fuck! The fuck are you doing here?'


'I don't think so.'

'Wait, Jiminie. I tried calling but it told me-'

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