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Just like some time ago, I woke up in Jimin's bed, but this time, he was next to me.

His entire body was pressed to mine, faling in like a puzzle. A perfect fit. His steady heart beating against my back as he breathes in and out deeply, his breath softly grazing the back of my neck.

I barely moved and his arm tightened around me, and he started muttering in his sleep.

'Don't leave...'

'Shhh... I'm not leaving.' I pushed myself completely into him, and he nuzzled into me

'Mmm.. Amora...' he barely whispered, but it was clearly my name, and then he just kept on sleeping

He said my name in his sleep. I might cry from happiness. I had to put my hand over my mouth not to squeal.

I didn't want to move an inch, so I waited until he was awake, which took a while.

He grumbled sleepily, almost rubbing his face in my shoulder as he was waking up.

'Good morning, baby.'

'Mmmm... morning, beautiful.' That deep, raspy voice really goes straight for the heart, along with his soft, fluttering kisses

'Did you sleep okay?' I hum

'Never better. With you in my arms, it couldn't be anything else but perfect. I have only one problem.'

Besides melting my heart, he got me curious. 'What would that be?'

'I haven't even woken up, and I want you. I can't have enough of you.' That deep voice of his is still sounding somehow mellow as he started leaving more kisses on my shoulder and back

'I'm right here. And I want you just the same.' I am almost ashamed to admit it, considering we barely slept last night.

'Amora...' he hummed, squeezing me a bit more


'Make love to me.'

I might have stopped breathing for a moment there, and after my brain restarted, I turned to look at him.

No sign of him being confused or sleepy. He was gazing at me in the most beautiful way, softly caressing my face.


'Make love to me.' He repeats, his voice not wavering for even a moment

Does he feel the same way I do? Does he love me? Is this his way of telling me because he's scared to do it any other way? I honestly don't care. I'm so happy that my heart is about to explode.

I finally gathered myself and smiled back at him, nodding lightly. 'I'm yours.'

We were already naked from this early morning, but he didn't rush a thing.
Where he would usually already be all over me, pulling me around and manhandling me like he does, he was kissing me in the gentlest, most romantic way.
His fingers were gently and slowly tracing my skin.

It felt like the time had stopped, and no matter what happened, he wasn't going to move at any faster pace.

Our hands were intertwined the entire time, much like our lips. He could barely stop kissing me, and even when he wasn't kissing my lips, he was fluttering kisses on my forehead, nose, and cheeks.

He kept telling me how beautiful I am and would smile to himself, then would kiss me deeply. There were no traces of that rough Jimin that I am used to. This was different.

Everything he did was gentle, caring. Every touch was soft, almost like he was trying extra hard to barely caress my skin. Every kiss was slow, the sweetness of those full, plump lips imprinting a few moments too long each time they touched me. 

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