3. Mirroring Suffer (edited)

Start from the beginning

Kiki:"Hi Garnet, coming by for a slice?, or is it for Steven?" She shakes her head "well order when your ready" she smiles sweetly

Garnet ordered as izuku sat on a bench while looking off to the water, in thought as he rests his head in his hands

Izuku:'hopefully she's alright, the dread she faced isn't something a little one like her should know' he was spaced off that when Garnet got to him with a large pizza, he was sleeping while awake

She at first poked him, before putting down the pizza and summoning her gauntlets and clapped them right next to his ear

He was scared out of his mind, being brought back to reality by it

Izuku:"what the fudge?!" He yelled out slightly as he ruds his ears

She smirks in satisfaction as she watched him be woken up

Garnet:"next time pay attention and don't space out" she cross her arm

He grins evilly before tackling her down to the ground, both laughing in joy, and before long a light between them appeared as they glow

They had fused, tall and strong yet beautiful in most ways

The fusion was an interesting mix, but they already had a name for their fusion, after all they had fused before

Lunar:"seems like we fused again, this time not for a stupid reason at least" she recalled a memory before grabbing the pizza into her palm and walking home

On their way they spotted Steven playing with the mirror, Garnet was worried slightly but izuku reassured he was fine

They get the the house before infusing, they didn't want to scare the others

Izuku entered before he headed over to the kitchen with the pizza, looking it over for unknown reason

And before long Steven entered, greeting everyone with a smile

Steven:"everyone I found something!"

They all looked at him, waiting for his to continue with what he had found before being interrupted by Amethyst

Amethyst:"want to see something fun?" she suddenly stabbed a stuffed animal as she laughed

Steven:"how did you-, nevermind, anyways I got the mirror to work" he looked at Pearl and then at the rest "you never told me it's like a person!"

Pearl:"yes that... Wait what?" They looked at him confused

Steven:"yeah!, their my little buddy!" He moved the mirror over to them "say hi!" It was unresponsive

Suddenly Steven started to talk to the mirror, causing them to greatly worry

Pearl:"it's talking to him?, it shouldn't be able to do so, it should only follow order!" She worried

Amethyst:"Garnet do something!, this is getting creepy, even for me" he admitted

Both izuku and Garnet stood behind Steven, he slowly turns around, being met by them

Garnet:"Steven, you should give it back, it would be safer where we can watch it" he stuck her hand out while izuku nodded in agreement

Steven stressed out a little as he looked at the mirror as it screams in his voice

Izuku:"don't make me have to take it from you" the seriousness caused him so streets out some more

Steven:"it doesn't want to go with you! He turned the mirror away "don't you hear to screaming?!"

Garnet:"it's an object, a mirror, an accessory of sorts, it can't want anything" she firmly said as she glanced at him

Izuku reached out his hand to grab it

Steven:"It dosen't want to be with you!" He yelled out before slapping izuku's hand and his face

Silence roared out across the room, no one spoke nor did they cause a sound

Izuku looked over at Steven, the shards of his physical form shifted slightly, grinding against one another, like glass or something similar

Steven finally was released from this terrifying state "I'm sorry!" He ran out the door

Garnet:"he's in so much trouble" she had taken off her visor as this was happening, before both started to go after him

Pearl:"Garnet, izuku wait, I'm sure he didn't understand what he was doing!" She yelled as they ran out after him

As with Steven, he was crying as he looked at the mirror "what going on?!, it was fine this morning now this?!, what wrong with me?" He falls to the ground tears flowing form his eyes

Izuku:"Steven!, I know your around here somewhere!" He yelled out, before a light from a gem forming caused him and the rest to rush over

A gem, blue in color, pure white eyes and a tear drop shaped gem

She slammed Garnet with a water hand, before it was destroyed by a shockwave from izuku, she left after offering to Steven a first flight ticket to somewhere

Izuku/Garnet:"Steven your grounded..." They all look out to he ocean

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