That is why both Lina and Nahla take it that their friend got into a toxic relationship. It was sad enough that no matter how hard they tried to get her out of it, she just wouldn't listen.

They needed their friend badly. And by friend they didn't mean some crazy fashion freak ranting on and on about her boyfriend, no! They needed the Oma they fell in love with, just felt harder to bring her back.

For that reason, both the two of them kept zoning out of the conversation between Oma and Elisha.

Lina kept zoning back to the sudden issue she was facing at home. Her parents abruptly called her and asked her to provide a husband within a short period of time. Because she hated the manner at which they told her about it and also because she had no one, they fought. Nahla had to scold her for that before she went back and apologized to them. But ever since the incident happened, everything became not as she knew it to be and she couldn't just stop worrying.

On Nahla's part, the only person she had been zoning back to those days was him. The very sleeping stranger she vowed to take care of till he wakes up.

It was enough trouble that her strength, Anwar was somewhere not near her and then all she kept doing was wonder about everything concerning Zaeem.

Each day she visits the hospital, she would look down his face and questions of different sorts would cloud her mind instantly. The one question that she was more curious about was "who is he?"

His facial appearance didn't give him out to let anyone know of his nationality let alone know exactly who he was. But that didn't let her complain about him to anyone, not even her heart. She took care of him with great sincerity and made sure she didn't give way for any negative mindset about him. Only then could her good deed be recorded as one without getting reduction of the reward.

"Hey I think it's time for me to go to the hospital for the day. Thank you for breakfast" Nahla announced packing her belongings into her backpack. "Yeah I'll go with you too" Lina voiced. She would do anything to escape that hell of a company, she was not liking a bit of it.

"No way guys! Oliver just sent a message and he will be here any minute from now. Y'all have to wait to meet him" Oma said. "Wow! My boyfriend's also Oliver. Guess we're friends for a reason" Elisha mentioned excitedly, no one replied to that.

"We should go, Elisha can meet him. We'll meet him some other time" Nahla said, she wanted to make an excuse but she knew how she couldn't lie even if she wanted to. Besides, Lina and Oma always knew it if she does lie so there was no point trying to.

"Come on Nahla, Lina. Any minute could be now, like right now. Just wait a while, five minutes?" Oma requested.

"Okay" Nahla sighed before they sat back down. She couldn't ignore Oma's pleading eyes so she had to stay.

Luckily, it didn't take Oliver long to arrive.

"Babe!" Oma smiled and rushed excitedly to Oliver and fell in his arms. "Hey sugarplum" Oliver smiled back and kissed Oma on the cheek.

"Wait Oliver?" Elisha called in form of a question. That got the attention of the people there. It took Nahla to just look at Elisha's expression before she understood what was happening, judging by the fact that she heard about what Elisha said earlier.

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