chapter 2

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"So... You're Australian?" Marlon asked.

"I'm from Mexico, actually. We moved to Australia when I was a baby, and then to America when I was ten." explained Andrea "I'm guessing from the nickname, you're from Brazil?"

"Under 18's, this is your 15-minute warning."

"Okay, you guys, this is happening. Good luck, everyone!" wished Wren and after kissing Ari went to the changing rooms.

Andrea decided that she would go too. Entering the dressing room, she heard Summer, Bodhi, and Poppy talking. The girl just stayed silent and started changing, her suit on, it was legless, long sleeve, black with a zipper on the chest. She left it unzipped, to show off her cleavage. She will zip it right before going in the water. It wasn't her turn for another while, but she decided to better be safe than sorry.

"Can we talk about how you're a surfer now?" Bodhi asked, putting on her wet suit.

"And if you wanted to try out, why'd you leave it so late?" Poppy added.

"I had no choice. I had exams. Plus you have no idea what it took to convince my mom to take time off. She's in the parking lot right now sending emails." she stated, then pointing with her hand to the only other girl in the room she added, "I even had to get Andy's help."

"I thought all the surf beaches near you sucked" asked, still skeptical Poppy.

"Oh, they do" chimed in Andrea coming up to them. "I can't believe she even was able to catch a surf-worthy wave."

"Then how did you get so good, apparently?" Bodhi asked while watching her from the corner of her eye. She definitely liked what she saw, but there was no way she would ever admit it.

"Oh, I don't live in New York, I'm from California, Santa Cruz more specifically, the beaches are there amazing"

Bodhi wanted to say something else, but the announcement saying that she should go interrupted her. She hugged her friends and went to grab her board, before getting in the water.


"We've got a few new faces on the Victorian circuit this year. Hungry for a sport and ready to shake things up."

Andrea heard as she watched the pool, she wanted to see what she was up against. Bodhi was good but she knew, that she wouldn't be a challenge to her. When the girls finished came the guy's turn.

"Here goes Bax Radic in green. Showing great power and creativity. Last year's State reps, like Tommy Ahmed, better be on their A-game."

After finishing his second wave Bax came out of the pool, he came up to the girl watching the competitors.


"Hi," she said back, without turning to face him.

"You know, Wren told me you were here, but I didn't want to believe it."

"She called me her best friend, can you believe that?" Responded Andrea still not facing him.

Bax could in fact believe it, it was Wren after all.

"How have you been AJ?" Asked the boy.

Andy finally turned after hearing the nickname. Baxter was the only one, that ever called her that called her that, it came from the first letters of her name: Andrea Jordan.

As she turned she took a few seconds to look at him. He was tall and muscular, totally different from the skinny kid who used to be her best friend. His hair was short and pink, it was a weird choice but it suited him well. He wore a silver nose ring and an ear piercing. If she had to be honest she was kinda into it.

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