chapter twenty

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I am back where I belong.

Floating in the lazy river with a frozen passion fruit margherita in my hand, eyes closed as I let the water carry me and my worries away. I wish I could say it's nice to not have to think, but that's not how my brain works. It's always on, always planning ahead, always looking for the next obstacle or worst case scenario, so it's nigh on impossible to ever truly relax, but the alcohol is helping. It always does.

So does the fact that I fell asleep before nine last night and I didn't wake up until ten o'clock today. Thirteen hours of unconscious bliss. I didn't stir once. Didn't open my eyes until the sun was doing its best to blaze through the gap between the curtains and I felt a ray of its warmth on my cheeks, and I found a note on Kitty's pillow: didn't want to wake you up, i know you're in dire need of sleep! too hungry to wait though, gone for a nosh, i'll be back soon!

I had half an hour to myself before she returned. Half an hour to gather my thoughts and emotions into my cupped hands and give them a stern talking to: no playing up for the next few days, please and thank you.

So far, so good.

Probably because we've done our own thing for most of day so far, for the first time on this trip. I went for breakfast on my own after Kitty returned and when I got back to the room, she had her laptop out to sort through and edit pictures from the last few days. I did the same for a while, and had some much needed phone time. Just me lying on the bed with social media and the dopamine hit with each scroll through Instagram and TikTok.

Now I'm floating in my inner tube with my third drink – it's after lunchtime, it's totally allowed – and Kitty's on one of the poolside daybeds with her romance book. Actually, it's way past lunchtime, hours since we reconvened to grab food from the buffet. It's been a very chill day so far, time easily slipping away from me. After at least thirty minutes of floating and two visits to the float-up bar, I slowly make my way back to Kitty.

"Hey," she says with a yawn when I join her on the bed. "Your phone's been buzzing like crazy."

"Did someone call?"

"Not sure, I didn't check." She turns the page and shifts the book in her hand so the sun isn't in her eyes.

I stick my hand into my bag and feel around until my fingers close around my cellphone, right as it buzzes again. I'm half expecting my family group chat to be blowing up with some kind of emergency that'll stop my heart, or for Sally to be pestering me, but it's a bunch of stream of consciousness texts from Leila.

hey so

bit random

my ex made a reservation at a restaurant in the bellagio (right by the fountains!) and obvs im not gonna go alone

plus it looks pricey as FUCK

but the booking is for two. you and kitty should go!

it looks super cool

outdoor seating with a beautiful view of the fountains

(which i KNOW you guys love!!!!)

and it seems very romantic??

(sorry if im over the line)

(i've been told i have boundary issues and i know we barely know each other in the grand scheme of things but still)

please go. the booking is for 6pm tonight under mccarthy

She sent all of those messages over the course of five minutes, almost an hour ago. Then, a few minutes ago, a couple more.

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