Unspoken Feelings

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As the days marched steadily towards my impending wedding, I found myself at a crossroads. The question loomed large in my heart: Was I making the right choice in marrying Shaurya, a good and kind-hearted man who loved me dearly? 

There was an inner conflict, a gnawing feeling that refused to be silenced. I didn't love him, not in the way I had loved Aks.

However, it was time to move forward, to close the chapter of my life that held Aks and open a new one with Shaurya.

Amidst the bustling preparations for the upcoming wedding, I, accompanied by my dear friends Ridaanshi and Khwahish, ventured into Chandni Chowk, a place where the streets were lined with fabrics of every hue, spilling over with vibrant colors.

 I felt a sense of trepidation, wondering if my decision was the right one. Ridaanshi and Khwahish had repeatedly urged me to reconsider, to call off the wedding, but I knew deep within that it was time to make this choice.

In Chandni Chowk, I carefully selected a dark red lehenga, a symbol of love and passion. my chooda, the traditional set of red and white bangles that brides wore, would complement the lehenga perfectly. 

We ensured the outfit fit me  like a glove, assuring that I would look breathtaking on my special day.

Returning home with my bridal attire in hand, I felt a mixture of emotions. A melancholic acceptance of the past, a heart filled with cherished memories of Aks, and a silent yearning to move forward with Shaurya, a man who was more than willing to share his life with me. 

Love, elusive and distant, had not been a part of my journey, but I hoped that this new chapter  was about to write would lead me to happiness, even if it was a different kind of love.

 The day had more in store for me. A night date with Shaurya awaited, another step on the path I had chosen, a path where love might be waiting just around the corner.

        -   -    -   -   -   -   -   -  -  -  -   -   -  -    -   -   -

I was growing increasingly frustrated with the continuous blank calls that kept ringing on my landline. The calls had become a bothersome intrusion in my life, and I yearned for some peace and quiet. 

Each time I picked up the receiver, it was met with silence from the other end, making me suspect it was the same person repeatedly calling. my patience waned, and i  was on the verge of shouting into the phone, hoping that the caller would reveal their identity.

However, to my bewilderment, each time I opened her mouth to speak, the caller promptly hung up, leaving her with unanswered questions. 

The cycle of blank calls and her unresolved annoyance continued, and i found myself caught in a seemingly never-ending loop of mystery, irritation, and unanswered phone calls.

Relieved that the incessant blank calls had finally stopped, i  decided it was time to get some much-needed rest.

 i hoped for a peaceful and uninterrupted sleep, free from the vexing interruptions that had plagued my evening. With a sigh of relief, i retired to my bed, closed my eyes, and drifted into a well-deserved slumber.

Author pov

As the days inched closer to Saina's impending wedding with Shaurya, a cloud of melancholy enveloped both Saina and Aks, though Aks was particularly tormented. 

He stubbornly clung to the belief that love was not the source of his desolation, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. He labeled himself a fool for even contemplating such an idea, yet he couldn't escape the nagging doubt in his heart.

His friend, Ritik, made several earnest attempts to elucidate the concept of love to Aks, but Aks resisted any notions of such sentiment. 

Love was a frivolous notion, or so he proclaimed. It was an emotion meant for the foolish and weak-hearted. He denied its existence in his heart, although his actions contradicted his words.

Aks found himself compelled to dial Saina's number frequently, if only to hear her voice on the other end. 

It was as if the soothing melody of her words offered him a tenuous connection to her world, a world that was slipping through his fingers.

 He called her secretly, unable to admit to himself that he yearned for the sound of her voice, even though she was destined to become someone else's.

Each night, as darkness settled in, a silent battle raged within him. His eyes welled up with tears, and he couldn't fathom why. 

He felt as if a piece of him was slowly breaking apart, and no amount of stoicism could prevent the tears from flowing.

Aks, for all his bravery on the battlefield, longed for happiness but found it elusive, hidden behind a veil of self-imposed denial and confusion. 

He was a man at war with his own emotions, struggling to come to terms with the truth he was reluctant to accept.



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