Torn Between Two Worlds

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His grip on my hand was firm, unyielding, and his words were a painful revelation. The truth he spoke hung in the air like a heavy cloud, a storm of emotions that I had tried so hard to suppress.I shot a glare at him, my frustration and confusion reaching a breaking point. In that moment, I felt like I was standing on the precipice of a decision, one that would define the path I chose to walk.

Finally, I managed to wrench my hand free from his grasp, and with a voice tinged with bitterness, I confessed, "Yes, you were a mistake in my life."

With those words, I turned and began to walk away, my heart heavy with conflicting emotions. I needed to escape this confrontation, to distance myself from the past that had resurfaced with his return.

But as I descended the stairs towards my room, his voice echoed in the air once more. He shouted, "Have you really moved on, Saina?"

I halted in my tracks, a mix of anger and sadness coursing through me. I couldn't let him see the truth, the vulnerability that lay beneath the surface. So, I turned to face him and with a defiant tone, I declared, "Yes, I have. I have a boyfriend now. You were my first, but you won't be my last."

I said the words with conviction, a defense mechanism to shield myself from the pain that threatened to engulf me. But as I retreated to my room and the tears welled up in my eyes, I couldn't help but wonder why he had returned, why he had reentered my life to disrupt the fragile peace I had built.




It had been a week since that painful confrontation with Aks, and the wedding of Ridaanshi and Adwait was now underway. The air was filled with celebration, love, and new beginnings.

I had chosen to distance myself from Aks, and he, in turn, seemed to have respected my decision by maintaining his distance. We had both ignored each other, our paths rarely crossing in the whirlwind of wedding preparations.

As I watched the varmala ceremony, the joyous union of two souls, my phone buzzed with a call. I glanced at the screen and saw Shaurya's name flashing. Ridaanshi had invited him, and he had come to join in the celebrations. He gave me a warm side hug, and I couldn't help but smile.

Everyone gathered around to meet Shaurya, and I introduced him to the guests. However, I noticed that Aks remained aloof, not even glancing in Shaurya's direction. His demeanor was that of an arrogant and indifferent man, but I refused to let it bother me. Aks was my past, and Shaurya was my present.

As the wedding festivities continued, I realized that life was moving forward, and I was ready to embrace new beginnings. The past was just that—history. And as I watched Ridaanshi and Adwait exchange their varmalas, I couldn't help but feel a sense of hope for the future, a future that held the promise of love and happiness with Shaurya by my side.

With the wedding festivities behind us, I found myself reflecting on the choices I had made. Shaurya was a good person, and I had come to realize that I wanted to say yes to the bond my mother had suggested. He was kind, caring, and everything Aks was not.

As I considered moving forward with Shaurya, I couldn't help but notice Aks's continued presence, like a stubborn ghost from the past. His maroon kurta-clad figure stood out in the crowd, and I felt his gaze on me, even amidst the admiring glances of other women. But I had long ceased to be interested in him.

After the wedding and the bittersweet vidaai ceremony, I returned to my own house with a sense of relief. I was glad that I didn't have to see Aks again, at least for the time being.

Life was offering me a chance at happiness with Shaurya, and I was ready to embrace it. The memories of my past with Aks would always be a part of me, but they no longer held sway over my heart. It was time to move on, to look forward to a future filled with love and new beginnings.

I had said yes to my mother's wish for my marriage to Shaurya. He was a wonderful person, and there was no valid reason to refuse. On the surface, it seemed like the right decision, the path toward a stable and happy future.

Yet, deep within me, my heart was far from at peace. It felt as if I had chosen shaurya that was meant to heal me, but my heart still longed for the poison I had known—a bittersweet, intoxicating poison named Aks.

Every night, I found myself crying in solitude, asking why I couldn't forget him. Why was he still a haunting presence in my thoughts, in my dreams? It was as if my heart had become a battleground, torn between the amrit of Shaurya's love and the poison of Aks's memory.

I couldn't help but wonder if I had made the right decision. Was it truly possible to move on from someone who had left an indelible mark on my heart? Or was I destined to remain caught in the tangle of emotions, forever torn between two worlds?










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till then love ...laugh

Love the way you lie..Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu