Tales by the Bonfire

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Aks pov:-

As I scrolled through social media, I came across a photo that hit me hard. It was Saina's engagement picture, posted by Samarth. I couldn't help but smile, but it was a smile born out of pain.

 I couldn't fathom why her engagement affected me this way. Seeing her with someone else felt like a dull ache deep within.

Her smile in the picture, once so genuine, now seemed somewhat forced. But I knew in my heart that Shaurya was the right man for her. He could provide her with the love and happiness she deserved, something I couldn't seem to offer. 

It was becoming increasingly clear that perhaps it was best for both of us never to cross paths again.

I was resolute in my decision not to marry. My mother had been pressuring me relentlessly, but I couldn't find any enthusiasm for it. How could I marry someone when my life didn't belong to me but to the nation?

 I was an army officer, and my duty came before everything else. I couldn't promise her anything, not even the love she deserved.

No woman dreams of a life where her husband lives in constant danger. So, I had to accept that my path was different. And for now, I was content with my decision to serve my country.

 At times, I couldn't help but wonder about all the "what ifs" in life.

 What if I hadn't joined the army?

 Would she be in my life? 

What if I had accepted my feelings for her?

 Would we be together now?

 But reality had no room for ifs and buts, only for the choices we make.

And what was this maddening feeling? 

The thought of someone else kissing her, of another man being the reason for her smiles, it hurt more than a bullet piercing my heart. The pain was excruciating, and it seemed like there was no respite from it.

Even the most tasteful dinner turned tasteless as I thought about her with someone else. The only thing that eased the torment was that I didn't have to witness her engagement live. 

I couldn't bear to watch her promise her life to someone else. Her wedding was scheduled for six months from now. I had to find a way to move on, to focus on my duties as Captain Aks Malhotra. My duty was my salvation.

As the stars painted patterns in the night sky, we gathered around a roaring bonfire. The weary soldiers were finally relaxing, and most of us held a drink in our hands. In the Indian army, we had the liberty to unwind like this as long as it didn't get out of hand.

The atmosphere was a mix of contentment and inebriation, and stories began to flow as freely as the spirits we were sipping. The day's duties were behind us, and this was our time to bond.One of the soldiers, in particular, was enthusiastically narrating a story. 

His youthful escapade was about a crush he had once nursed for his neighbor, and it was a tale filled with audacious ardor and a dash of innocence. He regaled us with how he had decided to take a bold step and confess his love.

In his animated storytelling, we traveled with him as he recounted the thrill of sneaking into her room, under the veil of night. We couldn't help but chuckle at his daring endeavor. It was a moment when youthful infatuation had dared to test the waters of love.

 But as he narrated, it became clear that his courage hadn't been met with instant success. In the midst of his heartfelt proposal, she had declined, and even worse, she had summoned her father. We couldn't help but laugh and sympathize with the younger version of him who had faced the wrath of an enraged father.

However, the story didn't end there, and he couldn't hide the radiant smile that now graced his face. His once audacious neighbor was now his fiancée, and they were destined to be married in the upcoming year. Love, it seemed, had its own way of working out in the end.

Around the bonfire, the spirit of camaraderie was in full bloom. We couldn't help but relish the tales being shared with warmth and good humor. Someone pointed out that there was something truly magical about newlyweds, a unique and undeniable aura that enveloped them.

 In arranged marriages, there was a special kind of charm—the hesitancy, the eager anticipation—as two souls embarked on a shared journey.

As I sat there, amidst my fellow soldiers, I found myself smiling, not just at the stories being shared but also at the genuine warmth of our bond. The bonfire lit up our faces, casting a warm and comforting glow. 

But within me, there was an inexplicable ache, a nagging thought that refused to fade. The bonfire tales of love had me wondering about my own path. What if... What if my life had taken a different turn?

 one of my friends, with genuine curiosity, ventured into the delicate territory of love. "Tell me about your love," he inquired, a sparkle in his eyes.

For a moment, my world stood still. The memories, the unspoken feelings, and the haunting questions rushed to the forefront of my mind. My smile, once radiant, faded like a waning moon, and my eyes lost their luster.

I caught the gaze of my dear friend, Ritik, who had observed this subtle transformation with keen eyes. Pity, mingled with empathy, shone in his gaze. 

But, summoning every ounce of strength, I offered a brave smile. With a voice that betrayed none of the storm inside, I replied, "She's engaged now."

A silence descended upon our circle, heavy with unspoken thoughts and emotions. The smiles that graced the faces of my friends were now tinged with a touch of sorrow. 

They shared a moment of solidarity, an unspoken acknowledgment that not all love stories find their happily-ever-after, and some leave indelible imprints on the heart, no matter how they conclude.

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byy byy❤️❤️❤️

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