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Saina pov:----

The room held the heavy scent of unspoken pain as Bhabhi's embrace cocooned me, attempting to shield me from the storm within. My voice trembled with each word, a raw admission of a love unreciprocated, a bond broken. 

Amidst my tears, I confessed to Bhabhi, "He never loved me."

The decision to call our common friend, a lawyer, felt like a lifeline in this turbulent sea of emotions. A desperate attempt to untangle the complex threads of a marriage that seemed to be unraveling faster than I could comprehend.

 I spoke the words aloud, contemplating the gravity of Aks' actions, pondering what he might be thinking.

Bhabhi, with her infinite wisdom and an understanding heart, interrupted my turmoil. "Let him clear it first, Saina. Don't rush into judgments." 

Her words hung in the air, a plea for patience, a plea to understand the other side of this heart-wrenching story.

But how could I listen to his side when his words echoed the unthinkable? Divorce, a term that seemed alien to the dreams we had woven together. 

And yet, an underlying ache remained—a wish to erase the uttered words and rewind time to the moment when I just wanted to hold him and cry that he was safe

After crying i called Rishabh my friend who is lawyer ......i told him everything about everything happening .he said he'll look into this he'll call Aks, now for his confirmation. after cutting the call....Shaurya came from his ward and told me he's going ,i nodded. 

After half n hour my brother in law came and with tensed face said: saina aks is calling you . i nodded and goes to his room.

The hospital room seemed to constrict as I stepped in, flanked by Bhabhi and Bhaiya. Aks sat there, a brooding figure with a storm brewing in his eyes. The air grew heavy with tension, and I couldn't fathom why Aks would be so visibly angered.
The air in the room hung heavy with tension as Aks and I locked eyes. His question echoed through my mind like a haunting refrain, "Why did you call him for a divorce?"

I took a deep breath, meeting his gaze without flinching. "I'm just doing what you wanted," I replied, my words laced with a mixture of anger and pain. His eyes, once familiar, now seemed like a distant territory I could hardly navigate.

Before our silent confrontation could escalate further, our parents entered the room. Both sets of parents, mine and his, unaware of the storm that had brewed between us. His mother's voice cut through the charged atmosphere, "What happened, Saina? Is everything okay?"

I hesitated for a moment, collecting my thoughts before speaking. "Mummy Ji, we are getting a divorce," I declared, shooting an accusatory glare at Aks. The weight of the word 'divorce' hung in the air, a seismic revelation shaking the foundations of our newlywed lives.Aks, shouted in denial, "We're not!"

The room fell silent, a collective gasp escaping from our families. Divorce, a colossal word, a force that could shatter the most robust bonds.My father, bewildered, asked the question that lingered in everyone's mind, "But why, beta? Saina, is there any problem?"

I continued to glare at Aks, my eyes burning with unshed tears. "Ask your son-in-law, Dad. He wanted a divorce from me," I said, the bitterness evident in my tone. The weight of the truth hung heavily in the room, suffocating us all.

Aks' eyes, once defiant, now held a glimmer of guilt. I watched as he gulped, a visible lump forming in his throat. The room, a theater of emotions, was now focused entirely on him.

My father's eyes searched Aks's face for an explanation, but before he could speak, I continued, my voice trembling with a mixture of hurt and anger, "He wrote a letter saying he wants a divorce." As I spoke those words, tears welled up in my eyes, betraying the vulnerability I had tried so hard to conceal.

As Aks avoided my gaze, guilt etched across his face, I pressed on. "He wants my happiness, Mummy Ji," I declared, bitterness coating my words. With a tinge of sarcasm, I added, "And without him, I'm happy, you know."

 The room brimmed with tension as I spoke, the weight of our crumbling marriage hanging heavy in the air.

His mother, sensing the turmoil, moved towards me. In a moment tinged with bitter irony, I continued, "Without him, I'm happy, you know," my voice carrying the sting of hurt.

 In that vulnerable moment, his mother enveloped me in a hug, and I let the tears flow freely onto her shoulder. My own mother stood by my side, gently wiping away my tears.

Bhabhi, sensing the need for an explanation, asked Aks to clarify. He hesitated before confessing, "I thought she's not in love with me and not happy. After all, I'm a forced husband."

His words pierced through the room, and I couldn't hold back the flood of emotions. Clutching my mother-in-law, I cried harder. My father-in-law, a man of understanding, spoke up, "Aks, I know love doesn't happen that easily, but at least give time for this relationship. You don't know how much she was scared when she got news of your gunshot."

Aks, seemingly resolute, interrupted, "It's not like that, Dad. I just want her happiness." My anger surged to its peak. Pulling away from Mummy Ji's embrace, I shouted, "And who the hell are you to find my happiness somewhere else when you are the one..."

Aks cut me off with his own shout, "Am I getting a dream, Mrs. Malhotra? I thought you love..."I halted him with a pointed finger, my voice trembling, "You know, Captain Egoistic Malhotra, you broke my heart for the third time. First in college, then at Khwahish's wedding when I tried to move on from you. You again came as my husband, and again, I made the mistake."

Tears streamed down my face as I confessed my vulnerability, and Aks' eyes mirrored my pain.In that moment of raw honesty, I felt the weight of shattered illusions and broken dreams. Bhabhi came forward, offering support as I confronted the harsh reality of our fractured relationship.

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hope you love this chapter

Love the way you lie..Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora