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Before you read this make sure you have read A good girl's guide to murder, Good girl bad blood and  As good as dead!!!!!! They're written by Holly Jackson.

Hey Sarge, remember me?

Pip stares at the text from Ravi. Pip hasn't seen her family and Ravi for exactly 1 year, 8 months and 16 days. Pip didn't know what to say or do. Then she started smiling, while tears started crawling down her cheeks. But she's also nervous. What if Ravi had moved on? Or ehat if he's texting to say that Max Hastings is free?

                                                                                                                           How did the trial go?..

He's guilty.


Pip, you can come home now.

Pip started crying and smiling at the same time. She can go home. She opened her laptop and booked the first trainticket since more then a year. She fast grabbed some stuff in a suitcase and walked out her dorm. Emma Walks trough the halls. ''Hey Pip, where are you going? We have classes tomorrow.'' Says Emma, her roommate. ''I'm going home. Finally. Back to Little Kilton.''  Pip smiles bright while saying that. ''Really? You haven't left this place in over a year. But why now suddenly? We have class tomorrow. But Little Kilton sounds cool, I've always wanted to see Little Kilton.'' Emma puts her heavy bag on the ground while saying that. ''Yeah, well I just wanted to see my family, friends and my hometown. And yesterday I booked a train ticket without thinking, there is no going back now.'' Emma laughs. ''Pip when will you be back then? You'll miss a lot of classes. Wait, You're from little kilton? That murder town, I didn't even know that.'' I nodd. "I have to go now. Don't know when I'll be back.'' Pip starts walking towards the stairs. ''Goodbye Pippa! I can maybe come in the weekend to Little Kilton, I've always wanted to see it anyways. And can take a break so I'll text you!'' Pip turns around. ''That's a great idea! I love you and I'll miss you! I hope you can come that would be so much fun!''

Pip looks out the window. She feels the train shaking a bit. In about 2 hours she'll be in Little Kilton again. She hasn't texted her family. She wants to suprise them. She puts her wireless headphones on -she doesn't have earplugs anymore, because Jason Bell stole them before he died and after she went to college she bought these headphones- and puts her favourite playlist on. The time flies. Pip is almost in Little Kilton. She ties her hair back in a ponytail. She steps out. She's now inthe station of Little Kilton. Pip still recognizes everything. She walks towards the large building, the exit. She walks trough the streets of Little kilton. Where she is. Again. ''PIP!'' Pip turns around and sees Cara running towards her. Cara hugs Pip tight. ''I missed you sosososososo much! Why are you back?'' Cara starts crying and Pip too. ''Cara, I missed you so much really. I'm so happy to be back. I'm back because- Naomi! Hey!'' Naomi runs towards Pip and Cara and gives Pip a hug. ''Hey pip! I didn't know you were back.'' Pip smiles. ''I just missed you guys to much. I'm sorry I didn't keep much contact. I was just very busy with college, and my phone was always dead. And I wanted to surprise ya'll.'' Cara and Naomi smiled. ''I will never forgive you for not having much contact. I'm kidding. I'm sorry too that I didn't text and called you. I guess I eventually  just forgot I'm sorry.'' Cara hugged me again. ''I'm hust so glad you are back.''  A few tears dropped out of Pip's eyes. ''Also, Max is in prisone. Something like 99 years, or a livesentence, well I forgot, but it's the same anyway. Also Nat had charged him again for raping, that time he lost and he was already sent to jail for 4 months. And does anyone know your here?'' Said Naomi. ''Really?  I'm glad he's in prison. And I'm so proud of Nat. And nobody knows I'm back in town.'' Pip acted like she didn't knew that  Max is in prison. ''We'll drive you to your house. My cars is standing not far from here.'' said Naomi. ''I'd love that thank you!''

Number 219. That is the house of the Fitz-Amobi family. Pip steps out the car. ''Hey we're gonna go okay? It should just be you and your family.'' Cara smiles. ''Okay, thank you Cara. Meet you later at the coffeehouse?'' Pip smiles back at Cara. ''Yes of course. We'll text. Love you. bye.'' Cara and Naomi wave. ''Bye!'' Pip turns around and slowly presses the bell. Dingdong. ''I want to open the door!'' Pip hears Josh say. The door opens. "PIPPA!'' Josh screams. ''What?'' She hears her mother say. Josh gives pip a big hug. ''Oh darling! I've missed you so much.'' Pip gives her mother a big hug too. ''I'm sorry I've been away for so long. Where is dad tho?'' Pip said. " We ar getting a-'' Pip's mom gives Josh a little push. ''He's getting a surprise.'' Josh smiles bright. ''Ooh. I get it. I'll see him soon I guess." Pip walks in. ''Here have some homemade pie and water. Have you talked to Ravi yet?''  Pip takes a big bite of her pie. ''Nope.'' She said with a lot of crumbles falling out of her mouth. She missed eating her mothers homemade pies. Josh laughs at Pip eating. ''Can I put my stuff in my room?'' Pip asked. ''Yeah of course. But aren't you missing classes? How long are you staying?'' The bell rings. That must be dad. ''I'll open the door. It's probably dad. I'm not missing anything important. Also my roommate is keeping notes for all classes for me.'' Emma is not, Pip is only saying that to calm her mother. ''But in the weekend she wants to come here too. Can she stay at our place? Only for the weekend?'' I smile slightly at mom. ''Mhmm, okay then.'' She smiles. ''Thank you so so much.'' Pip said while running to the door. Pip opens the door. It's not her father, It's Ravi. ''Pip!'' Ravi  lifts Pip and then hugs here. ''Oh Pip, I missed you so much!  I thought about you all the time sarge.'' Pip started crying. ''Ravi I missed you so much! How are you doing?'' Ravi started tearing up too. ''I'm great. It worked. Everything worked. With Max and all.''  They heard a car door slam. ''My pickle! You're back! Oh and hi Ravi!''  Said Pips dad. ''Hi dad!''  Pip hugs her dad. Pips dad is holding a big box. "Dad for what is the box?'' Her dad walks inside with Pip and Ravi following him. Josh screams ''AAAA DAD IS FINALLY BACK!''  Josh runs to the living room. ''It's a heavy box. Pip and Josh, Will  you take the honot to open the box?'' Pip and Josh open the box. "No dad, you did not.'' Pip started crying. It's a golden retriever. A puppy who is sleeping soft. How did it sleep trough all Joshes screams? ''What is the name gonna be? It's a girl.'' Said pips dad.

I'm no good without you (Part 4 of good girl's guide to murder.)Where stories live. Discover now