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Now, Connie isn't sure how many people she's kissed in her life, but she is certain that this was the best one.

It was like a million fireworks went off in her stomach, and when they pulled away she saw Charlie grinning like an idiot. She was probably doing the same.

She pulls away, "Can't believe our first kiss was in McDonalds," she groans, "why would you do this to me?"

Charlie laughs, "You're the one who wanted to kiss me. Not my fault I'm so stellar."

She frowns, turning and sitting back down to get her food, "You said I couldn't use that word."

"Last time I checked, I'm not you, am I?" He pulls out his Big mac, looking to see if it had extra lettuce.

"You are so annoying," She grumbles, opening her honey packets, "can't believe I'm going out with you."

"At least I don't use honey as a dipping sauce," He wrinkles his nose, "and you didn't have to go out with me. You could've said no."

Connie shrugs, looking nonchalant, "I would feel too bad. It's the people pleaser in me, you now how that is."

His eyes snap up to her, "You're like- the least people pleasing person I know! What the fuck?"

"I know, right?" She grins, "it's so unexpected. But thats just the way the world spins, innit?"

Charlie looks actively disgusted for a second, "Never-- and I mean never. Say innit again. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little."

"Oh my god. Am I just not allowed to say anything? Do you want me to just stop talking?"

He states off into space, considering it for a moment, "I think that would be preferable, yes."

She blinks at him, nodding and going back to eating her food.

They eat in silence for a minute.

Charlie groans, "Okay- you're not actually staying silent,, are you?"

Connie shrugs, munching on a fry.

"You know I didn't mean that," He says, "'twas but a joke. It wouldn't be preferable."

"Cool," Connie replies, "I was just double checking. How are you?"

Charlie stares at her, "We were literally in a fire, and then you kissed me? I'm not sure how I feel."

"Intimidated? Awe-inspired?"

He furrows his eye brows, "..Mulan?"

"I just watched the movie. I love Mushu so much," She says, grinning.

Charlie nods, as if absorbing the infortmation and tucking it into the back of his mind. He frowns, "I thought you liked Coraline."

Connie shruggs, "You can like multiple movies."

He nods without replying, and the two continue to make conversation until dinner is over. It stays lighthearted, and there were multiple occasions where Connie would chuck fries at her companion, but she would swear it was in the endearing way, and Charlie would try to catch them in his mouth every time.

Of course he also failed almost everytime, having not expected the fry to come at him when it does. However, he caught it once, planned it perfectly and excecuted it even better. The pair both cheered way to loudly after that, and the workers behind the counter were definitely giving them looks as they did so.

Soon after they had decided to leave, figuring they'd caused enough trouble for said workers. They slid into Charlie's car, Connie grabbing the aux and plugging her phone in once more.

"You know, what if I didn't want you to pick music?" Charlie asked as he started up the car and pulled out of the parkie spot.

Connie turned and stuck her tongue out at him, "Too bad, so sad." She nodded her head along as Sweet Talk by Saint Motel blared through the speakers, singing along to the chorus.

Eventually Charlie pulled into her driveway once more, and he turned to face Connie in his seat before addressing her directly, "The kiss in Mcdonald's wasn't too romantic,"

Connie laughed, "Are you trying to get me to kiss you again, Mr. Dalgleish?"

"If that's alright," Charlie grinned.

As they leaned in Connie absentmindedly corrected herself, this was the best kiss she'd ever have.

(a/n: LOOK WHO UPLOADED ITS ME!!! UHM I LOST THE LOGIN TO THIS ACCOUNT SO THAT WAS FUN BUT IM BACK😝. If you want more of this Rockin Ruth you should check out my ao3 loonyroothy . its super awesome and im starting a huge maze runner au marauders fic on there so check it out :D )

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