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Connie rummaged through her pantry for snacks, trying to mentally prepare herself for whats about to happen. In about ten minutes, she was expected on a live dating show with ten random people who were declaring their love to her.

To say she was nervous was a huge understatement. Connie can't help but think that she shouldn't have done this, the whole situation would've blown over anyways. She had probably read the situation wrong, and now she was stuck on call for two hours - more than that if she won.

Picking up a can of Pringles, some jellybeans, and two Pipeline Punch Monsters, Connie made her way back to her office. If you could call it that. The room was supposed to be for extra storage, but Connie decided it would be more useful as her streaming room.

When in view of the camera, Connies background displayed her cowboy hat from a few streams ago, an overflowing bookshelf - which consisted of the entire Percy Jackson universe, Harry Potter, Maze Runner, and more -, and her youtube play button for one million subscribers.

She took a seat in her gaming chair, navigated her mouse to the zoom call Austin set up for this show, then hit join. She averted her gaze from the call, hoping to keep the contestants a surprise. Connie was already aware of Dev being on the show, and she's pretty sure that Wilbur would also be joining, but other than that she was clueless.

Connie took a moment to wonder what Charlie, her wrong number buddy, was doing. She barely knew anything about him, but still considered him a good friend. It was unnerving though, thinking about the fact that he could be in his forties with three kids, but she doubted that at this point.

The sounds of someone unmuting rang through her headphones, "Alright guys, I'm going to start the stream. It'll take a few minutes, and then I will introduce you all to the viewers," Austin said, smiling to everyone in the call.

He muted himself once more and Connie was left to wait again. She looked at herself in the camera, trying to tame her hair. Then, she grabbed a Monster and cracked it open, taking a sip from the can.

After a few minutes of waiting, Austin rejoined the group, "Now folks, we are going to let the contestants introduce themselves. Starting with... Wilbur why don't you start?"

Connie looked at her screen now, seeing a variety of faces. She focused in a Wilbur, not giving herself a chance the see the others. "Hey guys," he said, "I'm Wilbur Soot. I like music, apart of a band actually. And I am 26."

He smiled at the camera, and Connie found herself smiling too. She was sure that Wil had chosen host, as they had known each other for a few years and Connie had come to see him more like a brother.

Connie watched as intros went from person to person. Trying to decide if they chose love or host from the first impressions.

"Hey, I'm Georgenotfound. Just call me George though. I'm 26 and I am a gamer." Host.

"Whats up bitches? I'm Minx, or Justaminx on everything. I'm 26 years old and I am hear to win Connies heart, so suck on that all you motherfuckers." Connie was hoping Minx chose love, because streaming with her afterwords would be amazing.

"Hola mamacita. I am Quackity, 22 years old, and I am the one thats actually going to win this." He sounds too competitive. Host.

"Hey," a guy says, shoving chips into his mouth, "I'm Schlatt. 23. I don't know why I'm fucking here." Host, obviously. Connie grinned though, he was one of the Chuckle Sandwich guys.

"I'm Karl, 25. And I love your sweater Connie, it's absolutely adorable." Love?

"Hi I'm Niki, or Nihachu. I'm 21 and I really like playing games." Niki was absolutely gorgeous, Connie hopes she chose love.

"What's good? I'm DevLemons, I'm 24, Connie is my bitch. I make music too, and if you pick me Con, I will write you a love song." Dev probably chose love, so the two could stream together afterwards if Connie chose her.

"Hi, I'm Sapnap. I'm 22. I also like gaming, and I am from Texas." Host.

"Whats up goobers? I'm Charlie, or Slimecicle. I'm 25 and I am ready to absolutely annihilate my opponents." What the fuck.

Connies eyes widened. Why was Slimecicle here? She was doing this to fight the Twitter stans, and he decided it was a good idea to join?

"Connie," Austin said, "would you like to introduce yourself?"

Connie smiled, trying to push down the panic in her chest, "Hi! I'm Connie, I'm 23 and I stream in Twitch at ConnieLive. Today, I am looking for love, Austin."

Austin raised an eyebrow, "Yes, yes. I'd assume so. Would you like to start with a question?"

"That would be perfect. I found a website earlier with some exciting dating questions, but I haven't looked through it so just give me a moment," She scrolled on her phone, trying to find a good question, "Here. If we ever got to this point, how would you guys impress my parents?"

She listened as the contestants went through their answers. Most answers were jokes, Dev said that she would do multiple cartwheels, and Wilbur said he would serenade her parents. Then soon after Jschlatt said he would bring his gun for them to see. However, the answer that stuck out to her the most was Slimecicles, or Charlies.

"I think I would just try to be a proper gentleman? Like I would open the door for you and pull out your chair at dinner and make conversation with your parents," he had said.

It sounded like a serious answer, contrary to the rest of the groups jokes. It was like he was taking this seriously, which was crazy. Because if he was doing that, then he would only be fuelling the stans.

Connie couldn't help but smile at his response.

(a/n: I think the LOH is going to be three chapters including the date, though I'm not 100%.)

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