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Taewon:“who are you? And how did you get in”

There stood a figure wearing a black hoodie where the hood was on his head hiding his face. Taewon creeped out when his eyes landed on the person who stepped in without making a noise.

"You don't seem to remember me"

He removed the hood and took steps towards the desk where Taewon was sitting.

Taewon:“wait...i think I saw you before but... i don't recall”

The other just smiled and sat on a chair across his office.

"good, every dirty thing that the organization did to my life would be destroyed"

Taewon:“aren't you from SKZ?”

He asked him and listened to his guts telling him that this person had to do something with soojung death.

Bangchan:“that is true, I'm from there and most of the gang had a grudge against your organization including me”

And he was right about him.

Taewon:“aren't you afraid that I already saw your face”

He says it as if he already had the upper hand and can go to kill him anytime he wants but Chan just lets out a chuckled that confused Taewon.

Bangchan:“it won't last long because my face won't matter to you in the future, I'll give you a taste of your own medicine”

He just gulped feeling nervous about what chan said just now.

Taewon:“what do you mean by that?”

Chan just put his hand on top of the office and leaned towards Taewon while pointing at him with his other hand.

Bangchan:“I mean what I said, there's no way your company is looking for any good and I *point at himself* will figure that out soon and bring you and your company down”

Taewon smirked and layed back on his chair while intertwining his hands and giving Chan that ugly evil smile.

Taewon:“let see what a kid likes you can do”

He just challenged him.

Bangchan:“the day would come when you regret those words”

after what Bangchan said, he then stood up and left with Taewon laughing at him after he wasn't here anymore finding him like a silly joke.

Taewon:“now I remember, he was that annoying ex-CEO's son who took 3% shares of BT law firm...i wonder what he did with them?”






Minho:“where did you go?”

This was after Bangchan had come back from the company office.

Bangchan:“I gave Taewon a quick visit, he knows about us now and he won't stay still”

Seungmin:“is that something we should be worried about?”

Chan looked at Seungmin's way and shrugged his shoulders not giving him a proper answer and that annoyed the hell out of the hacker.

Bangchan:“by the way, how was spending time with each other?”

The boss sat on the couch with both of his gang members and asked them about their day together.

Minho:“bad but I got to eat a free sandwich so it wasn't that awful”

Seungmin(pointing at Minho):“i spent a whole 20 dollars on his lunch, why would you make us do that lunch playdate?!”

Chan signed at how those two still not liking each other so he answered his question.

Bangchan:“so you can become on good terms, both of you fight like an old married couple”

Minho and Seungmin looked at each other disgusted with what Chan just told them.

Seungmin:“I would rather marry Shrek than marry him”

Minho:“because you're ugly like him and you're no match with my beauty you little brat”

Both start arguing again at a very ridiculous thing and that Made Chan sigh again but in frustration this time.

Bangchan:“you guys are at it again”

He tries getting in between them to stop th from fighting but the hacker gets angry that he's being blamed by his boss.

Seungmin:“he's the one who keeps picking up on me, he's a bully”

Minho:“now you're calling me a bully you piece of crap”

Minho grabbed his collar frustrated in what he just called him.

Bangchan:“THAT ENOUGH BOTH OF YOU!! are you preschoolers? now I'm starting to regret bringing both of you here”

He succeeded in splitting them.

Seungmin(complain):“why would you choose us anyway? If you brought IN or Changbin it would've been better”

Minho:“I hate to side with him but he's right”

Bangchan:“we're a gang, we work together...you guys are talented and I would like to see you both work as a team. Is that too much to ask?”

Minho and Seungmin remain silent after what their boss told them, now they start feeling guilty because of Chan's reason on why he brought them together.

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