Expressionless masks

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As i walk through the house, i step carefully. It's quiet. I hear something behind me. As i spin around, i see myself. I look decayed. I look rotten. "You can't run from yourself. I know everything about you. I'm you." the figure utters. I can feel my heart rate rising. My breathing begins to get heavier as i feel the blood in my body solidify. The figure begins to laugh. A cold, heartless laugh. I try to scream, but nothing comes out. The figure lunges at me. I close my eyes.

I wake up, drenched in sweat. The birds sing a small tune as i lift my legs to the floor. Just another nightmare.
I sit in my bed for a good 10 minutes before digging through my dresser for clothes. A long, cold shower should wake me up.

As i sit there, water striking me, i begin to think. The night i had with K was about 2 weeks ago. We've maintained a pretty good relationship. Nothing serious, just checking up on each other once in a while. Little does she know, i'm actually going crazy.

The more i think of that night, the more i feel like all i need is K. The feeling of her lips on mine, i feel like all i need is her. As of right now, R isn't taking any room in my mind anymore, K is. R's place in my head has been renovated and fit for K. All i need is K now.

I turn off the shower, and step out. I dry myself off and step back into my room. I look at myself in the mirror as i get ready for the day. I look tired. I hope it's not too noticeable.

I begin down the stairs, as i hear my younger siblings fighting.  "It's 8 in the fucking morning. Shut up." They quiet down and move their feud upstairs. I open the fridge and grab a water bottle.

I sit at the table, and open my phone. For some reason, my feed is full of people on costumes. I see a toddler dressed up as Micheal Myers. I hate people. Pumpkins and ghosts fill my phone. FUCK. I FORGOT. HALLOWEEN.


I stand there, looking at all the costumes. "Hurry up son, we'll be here all day." My mom says, looking at her phone. I'm not a big costume guy, but i do love halloween. I think i'll just get a mask and be done with it. I grab a blank white mask. I'll probably end up drawing on it or something.

The ride home was long, with my siblings fighting, and my mom singing along with the radio at the top of her lungs. i plug my headphones in and blast music.

I get to my room and take out my mask. The blank face stares back at me from my bed. The expression shows nothing but contempt. No emotions, no pain. I don't think i'll draw on it after all.

I sit on my bed, scrolling through my phone. Though i love Halloween, it's a bit childish to trick or treat at my age. If anything, i'd rather stay home.

My plan is to stay home, and scare kids. What? I can't have fun? I think after the year i had, i deserve to have a little fun on the one night scaring kids is acceptable.

As i lie there, i stare at the ceiling. No plans on leaving tonight, no plans of having any fun other than scaring people, and most unfortunately, no texts from K.

I know i keep bringing her up, but it's unworldly how much she's grown on me. We've exchanged a couple texts, and one night together, yet i feel like i've known her my whole life.

If i were to try anything else, im more than sure i'd be shot down by K. I understand that R is still her friend, but if im being honest, R can disappear and i won't care.

It's about 8 pm now, the kids should be roaming by now. I grab my mask and head downstairs. I find the bowl of candy next to a note. "Not feeling well, hand out candy without me. -mom."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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