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it's been 46 days since the breakup. I've tried moving on and wishing R the best of luck. While on the other hand, i've been trying to find more ways to talk to K. It's kinda a dick move, but she pulled the ultimate dick move when she left me for N. I don't really care anymore. She's texted me multiple times talking shit like "oh yea he's better than you" or "oh yea i wasn't even dating you bc i liked you." It kinda hurts, but at the same time fuck her. i put my all into the relationship to make it work. I don't know what i did wrong, maybe it was on my part. I don't know. All i do know is K is the way to go. Speaking of K, That leads me to my next topic, The Friend Group. Yes it's as horrifying as it sounds. They're like germs, or like parasites, feeding R all she wants to hear. "Oh yea girl men ain't shit." "His loss." "He doesn't deserve you." Shut the fuck up. They spread like the flu at a kids summer camp. They tell a friend i did this and that, and that friend tells a friend, and that friend tells another friend, etc. Lucky for me, i'm at an advantage. I have connections to most corners of the school. I tell a friend my side of the story, and the story spreads like a wildfire. One friend tells three friends, those three friends tell another 5 friends each, so on and so forth. I'm not saying i want revenge or that she deserves it. I'm saying that if you're gonna talk shit, expect dirt thrown back. Now when it comes to throwing dirt back, I at least have morals. I won't ever spread nudes, i won't ever talk about a weird thing you like, i won't ever spread something personal. Now with R, She doesn't know when to stop. I don't even wanna get into it. (she said a bunch of shit i don't even know) Now i'm not the fighting type but N is pushing the shit outta me. Anyways, the moral of this little topic is basically don't be a hypocrite. She can tell me not to talk shit about her all day if she wants to, but if i tell her not to talk shit about me it's the end of the world. I'll catch her staring sometimes and it low key pisses me off and i'm not gonna tell her anything because she'll make herself the victim. It doesn't really matter anymore tbh. I'd rather worry myself about important matters than R. Speaking of important matters, what to do with K...

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