Meanwhile, Vikram and Naina descended together, with Vikram's attention fixed on Naina, knowing she was feeling a bit nervous amidst the crowd. He observed as Naina paused, her face breaking into a big smile. Following her gaze, he noticed both Naina's father and his own father looking at him. Returning their smiles, Vikram walked towards them and sought Mahesh's blessings by touching his feet.

Mahesh then turned his attention to Naina, who approached him. He enveloped her in a warm hug, knowing she held a special place in his heart. Naina, who had been feeling restless, immediately felt a sense of security as her father embraced her. Raj smiled, witnessing their bond, and Rajendra took the opportunity to introduce everyone to his daughter-in-law. Naina reciprocated with a smile, feeling welcomed and accepted by everyone present.


After a while, Ved brings Vidhi outside, and Vikram greets her with a smile, hugging her tightly. She looks adorable today, and she's the light in the lives of the three brothers, especially Vikram.

"Brother, is my gift ready?" Vidhi asks eagerly.

"Hmm," Vikram responds.

"What 'hmm'? If sister-in-law sees, she'll feel bad that her husband is just humming. Aww, my poor sister-in-law. I don't know how she manages to deal with you," Vidhi teases, causing Vidyunt to laugh at his brother's expense.

"What's gotten into you? Anyway, she's mine now, and she'll have to put up with me," Vikram retorts playfully.

"Enough teasing. Let's go see Dad," Vidhi suggests, and they make their way to their father.

Rajendra is overjoyed to see Vidhi and plants a kiss on her head. Her eyes then land on Mahesh, and she smiles warmly, greeting him and receiving his blessings in return.

Vidhi then looks in Naina's direction, silently asking with her eyes how she looks. Naina blinks in response, indicating that she looks beautiful.

Vidhi proceeds to cut the cake and feeds the first bite to her dad, eliciting smiles all around.

"Let's dance now!" Aryan suggests excitedly.

The lights dim, and a spotlight illuminates the area where Vidhi and Vidyunt are standing. They begin to dance, captivating everyone's attention. Vidhi starts dancing with her brother, and then he gracefully spins her away to dance with someone else. A bright smile spreads across Vidhi's face as she sees her brother, and she joins him in dancing.

Meanwhile, Vidyunt, in the midst of dancing with Vidhi, glances over at Vikram and Naina. With a sudden idea, he turns Vidhi around and guides her towards Vikram, knowing that Vikram wouldn't refuse Vidhi's request to dance. And true to his expectation, Vikram joins Vidhi in the middle of the dance floor, twirling her around as they dance together.

Vidyunt approaches Naina and asks her to dance. "No, Vidyunt, I don't think I can dance in front of everyone," she responds hesitantly. But Vidyunt persists, eventually convincing her to join him on the dance floor. Reluctantly, Naina agrees, and Vidyunt leads her to dance.

Meanwhile, Vikram is dancing with Vidhi when he notices Vidyunt dancing with Naina. Vidhi also catches sight of them and realizes that her brother is dancing with her sister-in-law. She observes Vidyunt making subtle gestures towards her with his eyes, and she smirk,  understands.

Vidyunt spins Naina around once, and from the other side, he subtly guides Naina towards Vikram. At the same time, Vidhi finds herself drawn towards Vidyunt, as if guided by an invisible force.

Vikram notices Naina approaching him, so he reaches out and catches her, pulling her close. As Naina finds herself in Vikram's arms, she stops dancing, feeling his intense gaze upon her. Vikram gently places his hand on her arm, guiding it to her palm, and then wraps his other arm around her waist, pulling her closer until they're almost touching. Naina's breath hitches at the sensation of his hand on her waist.

"Beautiful," Vikram whispers, his voice barely audible over the music.

They begin to dance together, their movements synchronized as they gaze into each other's eyes. Vikram then turns Naina so that her back is against his chest, their bodies fitting perfectly together.

Lost in the moment, they continue to dance even after the music has ended, completely absorbed in each other. Eventually, Naina realizes that the music has stopped and she looks at Vikram, feeling her heart racing. She then quietly walks away, unable to ignore the intensity of her emotions.


As everyone else had left, Mahesh sat with his daughter, expressing his admiration. "You looked exceptionally beautiful today, my dear."

"Papa, you always say that," she chuckled.

He smiled and glanced up at the sky. "Today, my brother and sister-in-law would be overjoyed to see you so happy," he remarked, his voice filled with emotion. Naina looked at him and then followed his gaze towards the sky.

"If your mom and dad were here today, their happiness would know no bounds," Mahesh added wistfully.

Feeling the weight of his emotions, Naina hugged her father tightly, knowing how deeply he cherished their memories. Mahesh kissed her forehead affectionately.

Just then, Vikram approached, overhearing their conversation, and gently interrupted to call them inside. Naina and Mahesh exchanged a glance before following Vikram indoors, their hearts filled with a mixture of happiness and nostalgia.


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