Stables Redo

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Annabeth and Percy have been together since they were 12, fell in love with each other at some point and officially started dating at 16. They had their first kiss inside a volcano, where Annabeth thought Percy had died. They had their real first kiss as a couple, under the water after the campers of Camp Half Blood threw them in the water. To congratulate them finally getting together.

Annabeth Chase always had a plan. Where as her boyfriend Percy Jackson, seemed to do everything before he could think of all the ways it could go bad... without hesitation. Annabeth had planned their lives together before they even became official. From their first date, to their first-time having sex, and to their inevitable marriage.

But then, something happened that she couldn't have planned. Percy vanished in thin air. Annabeth was a mess, frantically looking for her boyfriend all over the world.

Percy was taken to New Rome, and couldn't remember nothing. Except his girlfriends face and name. Percy started regaining his memories, and his love and longing for his girlfriend Annabeth only grew and grew.

Then after six months, they had finally found each other. Only for Annabeth to judo flip him to the ground, almost causing an international incident resulting in the war with the Romans and Greeks.

They finally managed to find a quiet place to catch up, the stables of their ship. After six months apart, two teenagers madly in love and filled with raw emotions of finding each other and hormones. Led to their first time.

Annabeth didn't plan it this way, but she loved it all the same. But for Percy, he was mortified by it. Annabeth thought it was beautiful, they were in such a hunger, they tore at each others clothes. Non of them getting everything off before giving up and going as soon as they got out their parts. As Annabeth straddled his lap, and slid down Percy's member. They both came instantly.

Annabeth thought it was beautiful, that after finally finding each other. They couldn't hold back and took each other. And the second they became one, they came at the same time.

Percy, however. Was mortified. He had dreamed of being with Annabeth for a while. And when they do have their first time. He only lasted a second before he popped. He wanted to try again, but they fell asleep, and Frank caught them. Missing the chance for a better round two.

Then shit hit the fan. The world tried to kill them, more friends got hurt and died. Annabeth and Percy fell into Tartarus. He had thought that maybe they could try. But there was never a chance. Then everything settled down again, Percy and Annabeth were back at camp, and the world was peaceful for the Greeks and Romans.

Percy had pushed his plans to get a better result in sex. Hoping that it would come eventually.

It was another summer at camp. Percy and Annabeth were living legends, and camp counselors. Annabeth taught classes about math, architecture, and battle strategies. Percy was forced by Mr. D to teach sword fighting class.

Which he didn't really mind at all, it was just Mr. D making him that he hated.

It was a hot and slow day. Percy was in the middle of teaching a class of younger kids. While some of the other girls at camp lounged around tanning. But really it was to watch Percy sweat. Of course, he had no clue, he just thought they liked to tan.

Piper and Rachel were sitting in lawn chairs, with big sunglasses on to hide their eyes. As they watched a sweaty Percy smack around a bunch of kids with a sword.

"No," Percy said. "Hold it like this, and keep your feet wide so you don't lose your balance. Nice, good job Alice!" Percy high fived a young Athena girl.

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