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The sun was barely breaking over the horizon, a soft mist clung to the ground even as the air began to warm.

The fire was burned out, the words were all used up and hope, determination and even ambition was gone.

His eyes opened slightly as he made a weak sound.

"Finn?" It was Cole's voice. "How are you feeling?"

Finn tipped his head against the soft material bunched under his head. "What happened?" He croaked out sounding exhausted.

"You survived several leathal wounds." Natasha explained as she pulled herself out of the water to sit next to him. "You're made of tough stuff."

"Where are we?" He asked looking around.

"About day walk from Thelon." Maz informed eyes narrowed.

Finn's gaze snapped to him. He looked suddenly scared again. "No, no. I can't be." He said as sat up sharply, or at least tried too, his face twisted in pain.

"Finn." Clara said reaching for him. She had heard his voice and come to see what was going on. Seeing Finn sitting up was not what she expected.

"I'm fine." Finn grit out clutching at his chest.

"You rest for wounds to heal." Maz mumbled slowly sinking into the water.

Finn shook his head. "I don't have time for that." He explained forcing himself up the wall to stand, then stumbled towards the cave entrance, he grabbed his satchel which was leaning against the wall, still coated in blood.

"Finn!" Clara called, looking around at the others before going after him. "Finn wait."

Blaze had caught Finn's arm the moment he stepped outside of the cave stopping him from going much further with little force.

"Let me go." Finn hissed quietly.

"You're hurt."

"And she's dying." Finn snapped squeezing his eyes shut, his hand lifted to punch the bridge of his nose to stop the burning pain behind his eyes. "I can't lose her."

Blaze sent a gaze to Clara who frowned.

"Finn what is going on?"

"My sister-"

"Drop your swords and surrender."

The three were surrounded by knights. But not just any knights.

Knights of Thelon.

Their dull silver armour catching the early morning rays.

Blaze gripped his sword tighter, defying them eternally as he shifted the injured Finn to stand behind him. "What do you want?" He asked close to a growl.

Finn shook his head. This wasn't going to end well.

"Finn Drall, you're under arrest." The leader informed. "Let us have him and you can go about your day undisturbed."

"Wait!" Clara said walking around the two. "You can't arrest Finn, he's just a child."

"The law doesn't have a prejudice against age. He knows his crimes."

"I don't believe this." Clara snapped. "He's done nothing wrong."

"Clara." Finn said making her glance back. There was a deep pain in his eyes, one that didn't come from the injuries. "I told you, I'm not who you think I am."


"Finn Drall." The knight growled again. "Time to go."

Finn met their gaze before he nodded. "Um, I suggest you guys get out of here." He mumbled as a knight walked forwards with some rope.

"Wait." Clara said moving to be of focus, standing between Finn and the knight. "You cannot arrest this man."

"Why in Thelon not?" The leader growled.

"Because my name is Clarice Flaui Eldes the third." Clara explained head held high. "And Finn was taking me home."

"Clara." Finn hissed. "You don't need to-"

"Your highness." The leader said with a slight gasp before all of the knights bowed. "Your father is desperate to see you."

Clara nodded watching them rise to their feet again. "I understand that, but I want Finn to be coming with me as a friend and an ally, not an enemy."

The knights all shifted.

"Clara." Finn said quietly. "I don't think that's gonna happen."

"Yes it is." She stated firmly.

"I'm not who you think I am." Finn said shaking his head.

"Then tell us." Blaze growled. "If Clara is willing to go back to Thelon for you, we deserve to know who you really are."

"Go ahead boy, let's see how many friends you have left after this."

Finn grit his teeth looking away, now was not the time for this, he should be back at Thelon with Jasper and Jess. But the truth came out in a soft whisper.

They deserved to know.

"I'm a thief."

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