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The doors entering into the throne room slammed open and Finn felt his heart jump in his chest.

Blaze and Clara were so much more fierce and stronger than he was and yet they were following his plan?

He wasn't too sure why.

He didn't deserve their friendship, not after everything he had done.

But now wasn't the time to think about that, he had a lot to say and he intended to be heard.

The guards in the room had their swords drawn, lances and spears pointed towards them.

Blaze's hands lit up, flames flickering across his skin.

Clara had her own sword drawn and ready.

"How dare you turn my daughter against me." The king said as he rose to his feet, he glared at Finn. "You and your army of mythicals."

"They're not my army." Finn frowned wearily. "They're my friends, I don't know how I earned their friendship but here I am."

"Call them what you will, I hold you responsible for the att-"

"You need to stop." Finn cut him off, he couldn't be bothered to care anymore.

They had torn his heart out and now he couldn't feel anything as freely as he used to.

Fear was weak in the back of his mind, but he didn't care.

"Why should-"

"If you carry on doing what you're doing you will lose your daughter." Finn said gesturing to Clara.

Clara met his gaze, confused but trusting and Finn wished he didn't have to do this.

"You dare to threate-"

"I'm not threatening you." Finn stated calmly, he was in so much trouble. "I'm warning you. If you keep up this... This..."

"This way of ruling." Blaze assisted.

"Yes, thank you Blaze." Finn said sending him a nod. "If you keep ruling this way Clara is going to leave, your people will die and your kingdom will fall into Durmount hands."

"You are a spy!"

"No father." Clara said placing her hand on Finn's shoulder. "I will leave if you don't change, so will a lot of people, good people, they don't deserve to live like this."

The king stared at them for a long moment.

Blaze let the flames of his hands die out and Finn took a step back.

Clara had the floor now, it was her chance to speak up.

Blaze placed his hand on Finn's shoulder, it was comforting and Finn found himself leaning into it.

"This is my home too, I may have been gone but I still care." Clara explained as she took a step forwards. "I want to stay, but things can't go back to how they were, we cannot live in ignorance."

"But you side with that boy."

Finn lowered his head, eyes drifting across the floor, maybe he should have just sent Clara and Blaze.

"Finn is not the enemy, he is the one who set us free from the stereotype that you trapped us all in." Blaze informed calmly. "Clara isn't your perfect little princess, I'm not a hoarding dragon, Finn isn't a heartless criminal who seeks to destroy you."

"Finn is not your enemy." Clara repeated taking another step closer. "He brought me home, he did all he could to save someone he loved, same as you."

Finn's gaze lifted, he had never seen it that way.

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