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This was a very awkward event.

The kind looked beyond puzzled.

Finn bleeding and in cuffs and Clara scowling at every knight that attempted to approach him.

"Your majesty, we return with the theif and-"

"My daughter." The king whispered rising to his feet. "I recognised you the moment you entered the room, but this boy? The thief?"

"Yes your majesty."

Clara glared daggers at the archer who had led the other knights to arrest Finn.

"He's young." The king grumbled. "Why are you attempting to defend him?"

"He's my friend." Clara stated calmly.

"Clara." Finn frowned.

"And he's the reason I am home." Clara added before Finn could say anything more. "So release him."

"I cannot just release him on a whim." The king frowned. "We would have to go through the courts."

"Great." Finn sighed.

"You don't seem to bothered by the charges placed against you." The king noted.

"I'm too tired." Finn mumbled. "And I've done what I set out to do."

"I will hear your case and decide what to do then." The king nodded then turned to Clara. "Let me look at you."


"You look so much like your mother." The king smiled. "I thought you were dead and-"

Finn couldn't look. The warmth of the emotion of the king was so strong in the room that it made Finn felt slightly queasy.

He would never see love like that again.

Not from anyone he cared for.

"Father, we will have much time to talk and catch up." Clara assured. "But right now, I want to please Finn's case before the court."

"Very well." The king nodded. "Let us bring it to order."


Finn had been in the room no longer than an hour. Someone had read out his list of crimes. All of them theiving.

Stolen food.
Stolen books from the kings personal library.
A suit of armour.
And a sword from the knights armoury.

Finn had forgotten about the sword. It was still in Blaze's volcano, that wasn't going to be coming back any time soon.

But when the king had heard the list and what had become of his sword and armour his anger had flared.

"You will face justice for your crimes." The king decided, rising to his feet to glare at Finn. "Tomorrow at dawn."

And Clara hadn't even opened her mouth in and form of defense.

"No!" She shouted rising to her feet.

"And Clarice is not permitted to attend the execution, she is to stay in her room until it is complete." The king ordered.

"No, I won't let you do this!"

"I do deserve it." Finn whispered.

"No you don't." Clara said warningly as she shot a glare at Finn, warning him to stay quiet. "You are not as bad as you think you are."

"You don't know that." Finn shot back. "You've only known me for three or four days."

"We have survived a lot in the last three days, I do know you." Clara stated firmly. "And I know you don't deserve this! He is a child!"

A Bit Unconventional Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang