a small chat

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Savannah was sitting on a couch with Jane lying on her lap. She was looking into those green eyes of theirs.

Jane suddenly says, "Hey Savannah, do you want to hear something interesting?"

"Of course, my love." She replied.

"When a lioness has children, she stops making love to the lion. The lion gets jealous—sometimes so jealous he eats the children. You'd think this would upset the lioness. Far from it. They make love again like the children never existed. I find that idea terrifying"


Jane smiles up her before sitting up and kissing her gently on the lips.

"Ricky! Are you paying attention?"

Ricky snapped out of his daydream and saw the orange haired girl, Ocean? Yeah, Ocean. She was standing in front of the desk he was sitting at, looking annoyed. She turned to the tall boy in the corner and yelled,

"Mischa! Get over here!"

The boy reluctantly walked over to where Ricky and Ocean were.

"What?" He said, sounding very annoyed.

"I want you to talk with Ricky and y'know, find out his interests."


"Because his birthday is soon, and I want to do something nice for him."

Did he hear that right? They wanted to do something nice for his birthday? Ricky hadn't even realized how close his birthday was. It was currently June 1st, and his birthday was June 5th.

The tall boy smiled as he sat next to Ricky.

"Hello." He said.

Ricky waved back at him.

Ricky and Mischa talked for a while about comics and stuff like that. Mischa surprisingly knew a lot of ASL, so Ricky didn't have to write things down. Ricky actually learned a lot about Mischa, like how he also really liked cats. Mischa also felt confident enough to tell Ricky that he's transgender. Though, Ricky wasn't sure if he actually trusted him with that information or if he just told him because he couldn't tell anyone. Either way, it made Ricky happy to know that Mischa thought he could tell him. Ricky didn't tell Mischa that he wanted to go by Savannah, though.

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