Ricky's realization

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One day, when Ricky was in choir, he was half listening to the lead singer girl rant about something when something caught his attention. One of the boys in choir, the one with the accent, said, "Oh my God, Ocean, we know this already!"

Ocean? But that was one of the names of- Oh God. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but then..

"Well, Mischa, it seems like you don't know, since you continue to barely try."

Wait, Mischa? That also one the names from his fantasy, and the cat boy had an accent as well... No. It had to just be some crazy coincidence of the two people... right?

"Noel, you need to try singing a little lower or quieter, I'm supposed to be the lead singer, remember?" The ginger stated.

"You're not even that good, Ocean, I mean, Peggy- or Penny, whatever her name is, is way better than you. You're just too self-absorbed to notice." The boy responded.

Penny... that was a familiar name. And Noel was definitely a name from his daydreams.

"Constance is also better than you. You just force her to sing alto all the damn time."

That's when Ricky realized. Yep. He was for sure fantasizing about real people, and he didn't even notice it.

How? How didn't he realize until now? Did he really not pay that much attention? A bunch of questions raced through his mind all at that moment. He questioned for a second if he was even fully sane.

Then, he saw her. Penny, he believed, was her name. She was the most beautiful girl that he'd ever seen, her gorgeous brown hair tied up in braids

☆◇ the ballad of space ◇☆ ||a Spacedolls Story||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora