The land of Zolar

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Ricky had a strongly dislikeable life.
With a degenerative disease, life was so boring. He couldn't walk, he couldn't talk, he couldn't even tell anyone his pronouns or preferred name! His parents treated his disability like a goddamn joke, no one ever really spoke to him, and he was the godforsaken "taMboUrIne gUy" in choir. He hated how the only thing he could ever really do is space out...

Zolar, a star cluster. Full of really sexy cat ladies. Savannah loves those cats. Savannah is what Ricky goes by, not that anyone on earth would care to know. They would go to war with canine, lead by count dog-u-lous, he's a son of a bitch, heh literally. She eventually declares that they should all live in peace. Plus, Savannah makes love to the cat ladies, who wouldn't want to? There's 2 cat ladies, one cat boy, and 2 genderfluid cat friends. One cat lady is Ocean, she refused to sleep with Savannah because it's "weird", the other cat lady is...Savannah forgets her name frequently was it Peggy? Or Patricia.. they just call her Jane, a cat boy named Mischa, a genderfluid cat named Constance who goes by Connie, and finally, Noel/Monique, the other genderfluid cat.

Ricky thought of Zolar as an escape from reality. The cat lady part came from his 14 cats - not that he was attracted to regular cats, ew. He spends most of his days daydreaming, wishing he could tell someone, anyone, about who he is, who he wants to be, who she is.

☆◇ the ballad of space ◇☆ ||a Spacedolls Story||Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя