Chapter 1 - A Dream

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The sun began to set.

The sky was colored with beautiful gradients of deep reds and orange as the brilliant star made its way down the horizon line. Its reflection slowly disappeared from the rich green foliage below.

Suddenly, a small black bat flew out across the landscape, flapping her wings with grace and ease. She flew down, allowing the tip of her wing to graze upon the ocean's surface before dipping further and exploring the jungle, dodging all the tropical plants as she headed toward a grand molten rock formation. Dozens of butterflies and unique-looking exotic birds sprang up from the meadow to fly alongside her.

A burst of lava shot out from the top of the volcanic structure, but the bat did not even hesitate. With great skill, she swooped in and out of the fiery magma, careful to avoid its heat and continue her flight through the canopy.

Behind her, a larger bat was perched on a nearby tree, his keen red eyes keeping a careful watch over her every move. He spread his wings and took flight after the smaller bat.

She did not notice anybody else's presence around her. She continued to fly. As she approached the other side of the island, she could see the glittering water of the ocean coming into view.

The larger bat's strong wingbeats brought him closer and closer...

It certainly is a beautiful place, she thought, and everything was just right. After all, it was the prettiest little island on Earth. It was no wonder why it was called 'Paradise.' It was so freeing to finally be here and finally see the world. Nobody would stand in her way or take her by -



The smaller bat - Mavis - tumbled out of the sky and was about to plunge into the ocean...

Only, she didn't. The ocean - along with the rest of the island - was only part of a dream. Instead, she awoke startled inside her coffin-bed, sitting up with a start and finding herself face-to-face with her father - none other than the legendary vampire Count Dracula.

"Dad!" she said, gathering her bearings with a shake of the head. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Oh, my little Mavy, I'm so sorry..." he said, barely able to contain his excitement. "But today is the day! I wanted to be the very first one to wish you a Happy 118th birthday!"

Mavis's mouth hung open. Then she smiled. "Aw, thanks, Dad," she said, swinging her legs around the side of the bed so she could give him a proper hug.

He wrapped his arms around his daughter, and then pushed her back far enough so he could look her in the eye. "And..." he said, "I've got a little something for you!"

With a snap of his fingers, a small box teleported into the room and landed right on Mavis's lap. It was wrapped in gold foil paper and had a little bat pattern on it. Mavis immediately recognized it. "Mom's present!" she exclaimed. She shook the box, trying to guess what was inside. "Could I open it, Dad?"

Dracula nodded. "Of course! That is why I brought it here now, Mouse."

Mavis smiled and, taking a deep breath, opened the packaging with a rip of her sharp fingernails. Inside was a book, old and with a plain cover that was bound in leather. Intrigued, Mavis flipped through the pages and her breath hitched. With curiosity, her father leaned over and looked at the book as well.

Inside were beautiful illustrations of Dracula and his wife - Mavis's mother - Martha. Mavis began to read the words at the bottom of each page.

"Two lonely bats crashed in the night...

They felt a zing, love at first sight...

They knew right then they would be husband and wife...

For a zing only happens once in your life...

Your zing will come, my love. Cherish it. Love, Mommy."

She looked up at her father and smiled, but the smile didn't look all that happy. There was a slight hint of sadness in her eyes, and it did not go unnoticed by Drac.

"What's the matter, honeybat? You don't like the present?" he asked. "We've only been waiting a full century to open it!"

"No, no, Dad, I really like the present... it's just...." She turned around to face him. "Another year has come and gone, and... I mean, I still really haven't seen anything outside the hotel." She opened the book to a page near the end where a few drawings had been sketched of her parents. "And from the look of it, you guys really seemed to have had a fun time in...." She looked at the caption, unsure how to pronounce the name of the island. "Haweewee?" She guessed.

Drac chuckled. "It's 'Hawaii,' sweet fangs," he gently corrected. "That's where we first met."

"Exactly!" Mavis said. "You guys met somewhere out there in the world. How am I going to meet my zing if I stay cooped up in this hotel my whole life?"

Dracula sighed and rubbed a hand on the back of his neck. This was a conversation he wanted to avoid at the moment. It seemed that no matter how many different ways he had tried to tell her that humans were bad, she just didn't seem to understand.

"Mavis," he started, "I have lots of eligible monsters who come into the hotel everyday! I'm positive you'll find someone."

Mavis didn't look fully convinced, but only shrugged. "I guess..." she mumbled.

Taking it as an opportunity to change the subject, Dracula patted his daughter's shoulder and arose from his spot. "Okay, deadums, I've got a lot to prepare for today, so I need to get going. I'll give you ten minutes, and then you have to be downstairs. The guests are going to be arriving soon!"

"Oh!" she said, surprised. "Already?"

"You bet!" he replied. "The early bat catches the mouse, sweet fangs!"

With that, he turned back into a bat and swooped out of the room in a flash, leaving a cloud of purple mist behind him.

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