Still Don't Know What You're About

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A/N: I've been blasting Greedy by Tate McRae recently so that's what inspired this, hope you enjoy it :)

Tw; non-con and emetophobia, after Jade leaves the party.

October 1st, 1994

When October comes, it's like a switch is flipped in Jade's brain and everything smells, feels, and looks different. The leaves of all shades of orange that begin to fall from the trees, the discolored grass, the rainy mornings, and the shortening days, it's the happiest time of year for her. The presence of death in nature is so beautiful that it makes her feel alive.

On the morning of the party, she felt the atmosphere change. She spent her morning listening to her Bowie records while getting ready for class, along with her dormmates. Then she attended all her classes, like the good student she was, and even managed a day without getting into it with Adrian or any other Slytherin for that matter. The hustle and bustle of Hogwarts in the hours of the morning until the late afternoon tired her out, so she spent a bit of time lying down on the grass outside the castle, surrounded by little groups of other students doing the same. She knew that she had to get some rest, because she surely wouldn't when night came. Lying in the grass, basking in the Autumn sunlight and slight chill in the air, she ran over a mental checklist of what she had to do for the rest of the day.

Tidy up my side of the dorm

Find empty cauldrons for the girls to throw up in, in all our drunken glory

Finish Astronomy homework so I don't have to do it while hungover

Find an outfit for the party

Make sure the booze is still safely stored in the Room of Requirement

Her mind then drifted to Cedric, wondering whether anything would actually happen at the party or if he was just teasing her. She thought of his tall frame and brown hair, and how it fell around his face so messily yet with intent and precision. She realized that he popped into her head a lot recently, even when she was doing the most random and mundane things. He also invaded her mind whenever it was least convenient. The infatuation that she had for him ran deeper than it did the previous year, and she was itching to explore what could be. The only problem was, she was a terrible flirt. Absolutely no idea how to come on to a guy- she always lets them do all the work. She was hoping that Cedric would be the one to make the first move. He had already started to show an inkling of interest, and Jade hoped that he would continue with his pursuits- if that was where his head was even at. In all honesty, she was aware of the fact that she could be slightly delusional at times.

"You look deep in thought."

A large head blocked her sunlight.

"Just having a power nap." Jade replied, opening her eyes.

"With your brows scrunched together?" the feminine voice spoke.

"Yes, Rina. You know me- constantly grumpy. Can't hide it." Jade replied.

"Hmm. Anyway, just wanted to ask if you got the drinks yet?" Rina said, lowering her voice in case anyone she didn't want overhearing her was around.

"Oh, yeah. Moved them in last night- Fred helped. I was actually just going to go check if everything is still there." She responded.

"No, no, it's alright I'll do it- I don't want you to see the place before the party, I want you to be wowed." Rina giggled.

"All alright, fine by me." Jade smiled.

She stood up, steadied herself, and walked back into the castle with her friend. They parted ways- Rina to the Room of Requirement so she could inspect the alcohol, and Jade to the common room so she could get ready for the night ahead.

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