The Queen Of My Heart

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Jennie's POV

"That' left to become Queen?"

She holds me tighter and nods. "Yes. I had to leave because my sister was dying and between my evil uncle and was a picking between a lesser of two evils. And my sister was dying. I don't know what happened but I have a theory that she was poisoned. I can't prove it so I was just a sitting duck there. Waiting and watching you and Mi-Hae live your lives...without me."

I wrap an arm around her. "Oh Jisoo! I'm so sorry!"

"What do you mean? You can't apologize! I would react exactly how you did had you left me the way I did! I just....I just wish I could've explained sooner....properly."

She kisses my forehead. "I-I missed you so fucking much. It physically hurt sometimes."

I snuggle deeper and feel my eyes start to feel heavy from the warmth and comfort. "Let's get some sleep Jisoo."

She kisses my forehead again but lingers for an extra few moments before pulling away and pulling me closer so that our legs are tangled, chests are smushed together and my face is buried into her neck.

"Jennie I l—"


I hear her sigh. "I've been waiting five years to say those 3 words to you."

I swallow. "Not...I...too much has happened...I can't process more things."

"But Jennie—"

I let go of her and roll over, leaving my back to face her and I can't hold my eyes open.

I need sleep.

"I thought....I thought you accepted I am."

I reach behind me with the last of my energy and pull her arm around me.

" Jisoo."

I thread my fingers with hers and I kiss the back of her hand.

"I do. Jisoo," I say as my mind shuts down.


When I wake up, I feel a comforting heavy weight on me that I haven't felt in 5 years.

I smile as I blink my eyes open and see Jisoo completely on top of me. Her leg is thrown over my lower body, her arm is flung across my waist and her face is buried in my neck.

And she still kept our hands together.

I rest my cheek on top of her head and sigh.

Why didn't I let her say I love you to me?

One, I was very tired and I didn't have the energy for a love declaration. I am being very honest.

Hearing that the woman you love is a goddess and actually didn't betray you but left to become queen of the seven seas....kinda takes a lot out of you.

Two, I didn't want the first time that we say I love you to each other in so long to be in bed and after everything happened.

I want it to be perfect.

I didn't have the energy to explain to her last night.

I look down and still see her hair a vibrant blue and her scales are partially showing as if her mind is only half working on keeping her mirage working.

I lift my hand off her back and sink into the blue hair that's so soft and natural. The hair looks amazing on her but it's still a big strange.

I massage her head and she hums in contentment.

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