second chance trope (mattheo's version)

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Pt 4:

You hardly got any sleep the previous night.
You were to busy trying to figure out how to deal with the current situation that you are in. You want to forgive Mattheo so badly; you want to be his and him to be yours again. The thing is that you don't know if you love is strong enough to hold up until both of you managed to rebuilt the trust that once was self-evident.
What you know though is that Mattheo is willing to put in the effort: No fights, no drinking, no whoring around. He took a 180 degree turn for the slight chance of you being willing to take him back.
With a total of two hours of sleep, youwalk down to the Great Hall. When you walk in through the giant doors, you spot only a handful of students scattered across the hall, all silently eating their breakfast. You let your eyes wander across their faces, but can't spot those familiar features that make your heart flutter. Mattheo should be here. That's what you two agreed to. He was supposed to wait in the Great Hall for you and than you wanted to go to the tiny forest behind the quidditch pitch to talk without getting interrupted.
Maybe he just slept in, you think to yourself and take a seat. You spend half an hour eating very slowly, inconspicuously waiting for Mattheo. He does not arrive though, and when the hall slowly fills with students, you can't help but wonder if he maybe changed his mind. At least that's until your brother Theo slumps into the seat across from you, snatching a strawberry from your plate with his knuckles all bloodied up.
„What happened?", you ask with a weird feeling, nodding at his hands.
He shrugs his shoulders. „Mattheo pissed me off.", he says, carelessly nibbling at his fruit.
You gasp. „Where is he?!", you demand to know.
Theo frowns. „In his dorm I guess. What do you care though? I did this for you."
Furiously shaking your head you get up. „You did not do that for me, Theodore. You did that for yourself.", you hiss. „You know, I was really grateful that you kept Mattheo away from me at the beginning, but beating him up when he did absolutely nothing to you is fucking foul."
With that, you leave your speechless brother behind, heading back to the Slytherin rooms. Without knocking, you barge into Matthos room, feeling nothing but worry and guilt. You hear a muffled curse from the bathroom attached to his dorm and find him covered in his own blood, attempting to take care of his bruised face and body on his own.
His eye widen when he sees you standing in the doorframe. „Y/n-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
The words catch in his throat when you walk up to him and grab his chin and tilt his head to the side to examine the damage.
"I know. Don't worry.", you say. With routined movements, you start cleaning the blood from his face and bandage his bruises as best as you can.
Both of you stay silent; you because you are focusing on taking care of his wounds, and he because he is too caught of guard by what's happening. He didn't dare to hope for a thing like that during the last weeks, especially not for the expression in your eyes - the tenderness and affection.
Having something to do with your hands have you the chance to bottle up your emotions, but when you toss the bloody tissues away, there is nothing left to do, so you sigh deeply and lean against the counter next to the still silent boy.
"I'm sorry that Theo did that to you.", you finally say.
Mattheo smiles softly. "I would let him beat me up again if that means you'll come and take care of me.", he whispers.
Only than, you realize something. "Theo does not have a single scratch. Why?"
"I deserved it, for everything that I did to you.", he says and it occurs you that he really believes that. And now only that; in his mind, he surely has been beating himself up the past weeks.
Your heart breaks for him. It feels natural, so you take his hand in yours, stroking his unbruised knuckles. He let Theo beat the hell out of him and did nothing about it. You place a kiss on his hand. "You wanna know what I think you deserve?", you ask, looking up into his curious eyes. You wait a second before giving him the answer.
"A second chance."

Part 5:
(I kind of already wrote the talking it out scene in the last part, so this will be a little different then the rest)

Mattheo's pov:
I can't even bring myself to hiss as y/n presses an alcoholic wipe to the cut on my cheekbone. It stings, but all I feel is the warmth of her hands. All I sense is her. I find myself wishing I were bruised up more, only to make this moment last longer.
Than again, I think I should be a bit ashamed that she knows how to even take care of my wounds like that. She did it way to often in the past.
Her work on me ends faster then I like it. Not sure what will happen next, I stay silent. My muscles ease when y/n leans at the counter next to me. A few inches and I could-
"I'm sorry that Theo did that to you.", she breaks the silence.
I can't help but smile. Even her voice helps easing my mind. "I would let him beat me up again if that means you'll come and take care of me." The words are out before I can stop it.
I watch her from the corner of my eyes and I can almost hear the cogs in her head spinning and working. "Theo does not have a single scratch. Why?" Once again, I smile. Sadly this time. She has a dickhead of a brother, but I'm not mad. He is protecting her, and I appreciate that, even if he is protecting her from me.
"I deserved it, for everything that I did to you.", I ultimately reply.
That's it. Now I brought it up, she's going to leave. I want to imprint her into my brain, but I can't look at her, so I stare at the tiles in front of me.
Suddenly, my hand is in hers, and she brushes her fingertips over my knuckles so softly, and when she places a kiss on them, I erupt into goosebumps.
"You wanna know what I think you deserve?" I don't dare to ask for the answer. "A second chance."
For a moment, I forget how to breathe. Y/n's words replay in my mind and I can only stare at her blankly, stare at those eyes that haunt me day and night.
"Uhm- that's your part to say something, Mattheo.", she murmurs, clearly confused to my silence.
I shake of the trance and pull her into a bone crushing hug, everything other then the feeling of her in my arms vanishing.
Finally, finally, finally.
"Matty you are going to crush me.", she pants and only then I let her go. Reluctantly, I set her back to the ground.
I don't deserve it - her forgiveness, or her in general in that matter. I'm a stupid idiot and certainly not worth her, but in the end...
This I all I've been wishing for for weeks, ever since I fucked our relationship up. Who am I to question her decision? No, I'm just going to make sure she never has a reason to regret her decision in taking me back.
"I love you. With all my soul. I didn't deserve you back than. But believe me when I say I will prove myself to you, from now on and for as long as I live.", I say therefore, gently tugging a strand of hair behind her ear only to rest my hand on her cheek. Her skin is warm and soft under my palm. How much I missed it is beyond words.
"Can I kiss you?", I ask, breathlessly awaiting her reply. I think if she says no I'm simply going to die, right on the spot.
"Yes. Please, Matty.", she purrs.
Our lips fit perfectly, like made from the same mold. It's another evident that we indeed are made for each other, no matter if I'm worth her or not.
The kiss is not just a physical connection. I can feel our souls linking again, humming with satisfaction after being apart for so long.
"I love you.", she breathes when she pulls away.
And fuck me if those aren't the most beautiful words I've ever heard.

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