Chapter 3

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The Return

Voices; Anthony heard voices. At first, he couldn't make out any of the voices. They were muffled and distant, as though his ears were full of water. Then, the voices slowly died down to only one, a female's voice. It became a lot clearer as sound began to return to Anthony. The female's voice became more and more familiar; he finally gained his full hearing in a couple of seconds and could make out every word perfectly:

"Come back to us, Ant. We need you. I need you. Please, Ant, open your eyes for me. Please."

The voice sounded tearful, yet and still Anthony knew it. Only one person in the world ever nicknamed him 'Ant'. He slowly opened his eyes and found himself on a hospital bed, his sister sitting by his side with eyes full of tears. Anthony never saw so much worry from her before, it was heartbreaking.

"Heidi?" Anthony managed to say. "Is that really you?"

Heidi jumped. "Ant- you're awake!" she exclaimed. She immediately hugged him, smothering his face with her bosom. Heidi let go of him and the tears began to pour, tears of joy. After a few more celebratory seconds, she ran out of the door and Anthony could hear her shouting as she ran down the hallway.

Anthony sat up. He had to take it slow due to a terrible headache and the fact that his body was aching all over. In front of him, overhead, was a small television with the same old boring new reports. The wooden chair to his right, where Heidi was sitting, had another beside it. Both of them contained blue cushions, the same color as the blanket at the foot of his bed. Looking around, this hospital room looked like the ones you would see on television, except smaller. Different dressers, a sink and counter, a heart monitor on his left, it was fascinating.

Then it hit Anthony- he was in a hospital. A hospital- with lights, a bed, and chairs, and a heart monitor! A heart monitor, beeping rhythmically, never sounded more beautiful than it did in that moment. It was a sign, a sign of life- his life. Life. That's right- he was alive! Anthony took a moment to inhale deeply and take a hard exhale. He repeated over and over again, because he could. Who cares, he was alive! Never before did the phrase "in the flesh" seem so appropriate and so empowering. Devin really did it, Anthony Price was back among the living.

As the feeling of rejoicing began to flood him, the door to the room flew open and his mother seemed to glide across the floor as she grabbed him around the head. Thankfully for him, she didn't have as much of a bosom as Heidi. Although, with the amount of pressure she was applying to his head, he could use some extra cushion, for it was not helping his headache at all.

"M-Mom, you're crushing me," Anthony warned.

His mother, finally realizing this, abruptly let go. "I'm sorry honey! Did I hurt you? I'm just so glad you're alright! My poor baby, I was so worried!"

She embraced him again, completely forgetting about the pain he was facing. It hurt like nobody's business, yet it was still pleasant to him. Anthony couldn't believe it, but he was actually happy about the pain he was feeling- a reminder that he was yet of the living. Before he knew it, Heidi ran to the other side of Anthony and she joined in the embracing. Still, it was better to be sandwiched by a warm embrace than stuck in a cold and dark alley. Then, of course, Tom had to ruin the moment.

"Alright, you two- knock it off," he ordered. "It ain't like you never saw the boy before."

It's obvious he had been drinking. Not that it mattered, Tom would have been a stick in the mud regardless. The least he could do was pretend to be a little more sympathetic. Of course, Anthony wasn't going to tell him that. Being beaten to death once was more than enough for a lifetime!

"Oh Tom, have a heart," said Anthony's mom, coming to the rescue. "Didn't you notice the position he was in?"

"I know damn well what he looked like, hell, I'm looking at him now," Tom snapped. "That ain't no reason to baby him, Carolyn."

"No one's babying anyone," Carolyn shot back. "And just what the hell is your problem anyway, Tom?"

Tom grabbed Carolyn by the arm and moved in closer to her face. "Look here, woman- don't be tryin' to act out 'cause we're in this hospital now," he said with an ominous, lowered tone.

"You guys!" Heidi said in a loud whisper. "Now is not the time."

"You're right, Tom, I'm sorry," Carolyn said, apologetically. "I didn't mean to upset you. Heidi's right: we should focus on Anthony while we're here."

"Alright," said Tom, "let's focus. Where were you, boy? Who gave you them bruises, hm? What happened to ya, boy? Why didn't you come straight home like you were supposed to?"

During the interrogation, Anthony reflected back on what he wanted to forget. Being led away by Travis and his crew, the brutal assault he endured, and even being a spirit and seeing his own body. Maybe he should tell. Yeah, and also tell about how he was killed by Travis and his goons and brought to life by a strange black man in the alleyway. They wouldn't understand if you tried to explain it, he thought to himself as the doctor entered the room. Heidi wouldn't have even understood it.

"I- I don't know. I can't remember," Anthony lied.

The doctor, a younger man in his twenties, walked over to Anthony and placed and began to examine him.

"That is to be expected," the doctor said. "It's not uncommon for there to be some memory loss, given the concussion he suffered.

"Now, I must ask that you all keep questions to a minimum and take it easy for the next few days. Anthony needs time to heal and does not need any added stress- doctor's orders."

"You don't tell me what to f-!" Tom started to say before Carolyn stepped between him and the doctor, holding Tom around the waist.

"We will do exactly as you ask, won't we Tom," Carolyn said, looking up at Tom.

"Yeah, whatever she said," he said in a loud mumble. It was always a joy, for Anthony and Heidi, to see Tom defeated.

As much fun as it was to see the discord between his mother and step dad, Anthony actually felt relieved. For some strange reason, seeing and hearing this didn't bother him as it normally would. Instead, he was actually happy to hear their bickering. Just like with taking the breaths earlier, it was a sign that he was truly back from the dead. Who would have known that being dead would make you appreciate the biggest "little" tragedies in life and all of life's turbulence. Compared to the alternative, nothing seemed that bad.

A slight guilt began to creep up within him for feeling that way, as did a feeling of pain that began to swell. The pain in his head grew to be unbearable. Anthony put his head in his hands and held it there. It wasn't long before the doctor encouraged him to lie down and get some more rest and usher everyone else out of the room.

"If all continues to go well, Anthony will be returned home in a couple of days. For now, the number of visitors needs to be kept to a minimum."

"We understand, Doctor," Carolyn said. She then turned her attention toward Anthony.

"We'll see you tomorrow, sweetie."

With that, they left. Anthony closed his eyes to shut out the light. His head throbbing, he focused on his breathing again. He didn't remember being beaten to death hurting that much. It was as though all of the pain he should have felt, when he went numb from the beating, was trying to hit him all at once.

Then she entered into his thoughts. Like an angel descending from Heaven, an image of Mariah faded in with a bright glow outlining her body. She looked at him with those beautiful brown eyes and gave him that smile... The best part of being alive was that he could once again get lost in those eyes... He had three months to confess his love to her. Could he do it? He had seven years to ask Mariah out, would one second chance at life be enough of a push to finally get him to man up? Only time will tell.

I will finally make you mine, Anthony thought, relishing in the rays of her beautified image. Even if it takes the full three months, I'm going to finally tell you that I love you.

And with that thought, a peaceful sleep finally found him.

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