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Ghost leaves me breathless and ferociously infatuated in the container. I know exactly what he was doing. Distracting me. A very welcome one. But a distraction none the less.

My cheeks beam, jaw aching as I try my best to contain a wide smile. Fuck him for making me feel this good. Especially during this... mission. I'm not even comfortable calling it that any more.

Fuck him, fuck Ghost and his fresh man scent, fuck the way his kiss made my heart slow. And fuck his fucking dirty words and fast fingers. Fuck him.

Distraction, thats what these shots are. Alejandro's guys came back to me with boxes of penicillin shots. He wants the chlamydia eradicated. He obviously doesn't know how it works.

"Colonel!" I call out after him as he storms across the hangar. He stops, his back to me, but I just know he is rolling his eyes. Call it women's intuition.

Turning slowly his brows raised up his alarmingly large forehead. "What now?" He grumbles.

Holding up a vial I throw him an exasperated scowl, "this doesn't fix a problem. This is one shot, one. These men need a course of antibiotics 3 times a day for 7 days."

He continues to stare through me like I have 3 tits, "Puta madre!" He screams turning away from me, muttering god knows what under his breath.

I decide it isn't completely pointless giving the men their shots, just as I turn to head back to the container Price walks through the door, Gaz is hot on his tail with Soap and Ghost following behind.

"Captain," I call out, slowly jogging up to him, "is everything alright sir?" A sharp nod is all he gives me. I immediately look to Gaz, "What's going on?"

Gaz shrugs, "Nothing babe, just gotta..." he glances between the men, "strategise." Vague, as usual. I'll fucking 'babe' him.

"How's the feet? Want me to take a look at them?" I cringe at how god damn pathetic I sound.

Gaz pauses for a moment, his eyes softening. His lips lift apologetically, "Nah darlin' you're alright." And he keeps on walking.

Soap gives me a knowing look, a dirty 'I know what you were up to in the container, you filthy slut' look. And Ghost, well how the hell are you supposed to read his expression. His eyes darker than usual, he spares me a fleeting look before trudging off behind Price and the others. The whole thing is infuriating.

With the box of antibiotic injections tucked under my arm I head back to the container of sins and set up a station.

The first of the Mexican cavalry storms through the door. Sheepish and looking like they've had a right rollicking three of them shuffle nervously towards me.

"Do we uh... get stabbed in the dick with this?" The tallest of the three asks me.

I roll my eyes, "As much as I would love to see all of your stanky penises again, I regret to inform you that this here needle will be stabbed into your ass."

He shimmies down his trousers and I squeeze the muscle and inject him.

Something really shady is going on here, and the only person dumb enough to accidentally tell me is avoiding me like I've got the clap. But I'll get him, even if Gaz won't let me tend to his blisters, I'll find another way.

Telling each of the men that they have to refrain from ANY sexual contact in the next ten days was like telling 4 year olds that Santa doesn't exist.
Why do I care if they end up with syphilis?
Because I just fucking do.

The Medic || Ghost [Simon Riley] Story. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora