IX - memories, letters, duels

Start from the beginning

Panic took over her mind and Sirius's laughter didn't help her embarrassment. "Because, um," she turned back to look at the approaching Regulus but immediately regretted it when she saw his pretty face causing her to panic even more. "because... you stink! That's why!"

Her eyes widened, horrified at what she just said. She didn't even understand why she was acting so strange. This never happened before, but anytime she looked at Regulus after being helped up, her mind spun.

On that note, she grabbed Evan's hand and marched off to her family's residence, leaving a very confused Regulus and a still-laughing Sirius behind.


When the sunshine tickled her nose, Danica slowly opened her eyes, registering where she was.

She laid under the covers of her bed, alone in her room. Her head hurt from the dream that she had, trying to erase the details she so desperately wanted gone.

That damn crab.

Danica rolled over to her side and peeked at the alarm clock on the nightstand. Her eyes widened in panic when it showed she had 20 minutes left until her first class. No wonder Narcissa was nowhere to be found.


The dream completely threw her off routine. She jumped off her bed and rushed into the bathroom, simultaneously brushing her teeth and tying her shoelaces. A spritz of perfume and she was done.

Danica ran back to her nightstand to grab her wand but halted when she saw two letter envelopes laid on top of it.

Narcissa probably brought them to her somewhere after breakfast.

Her shoulders dropped in relief when she saw the two green seals. Thank Merlin it was casual.

Peeking back at the clock, Danica saw that she had 10 minutes left until D.A.D.A., so she grabbed both her wand and the letters and ran out of her room.

The castle was familiar to her. She knew the way like her left hand and her legs brought her closer to her destination on autopilot.

This gave her the opportunity to open one of the letters.

Her heart stopped beating momentarily when she saw the sender. Rodolphus Lestrange.

Danica took another moment to relax before carelessly tearing the seal open and pulling out the folded letter.

'Greetings Danica,

Your utter lack of intelligence is truly astounding, or perhaps you indeed have a morbid fascination with your impending doom, but I see the necessity of reiterating my sentiments from my previous correspondence.

While it might amuse me to learn of your futile attempts to broaden your pitiful social circles among those of pure blood, I must remind you that your actions, much like your intellect, are not only inappropriate but also teetering on the brink of jeopardizing our esteemed reputation.

You ought to be grateful that Nicholas Rosier, a man of debatable lineage himself, is somewhat tolerant of your promiscuous endeavors. It seems that the German individual's lineage may have somewhat lessened the damage.

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