And he was also right about another thing.

I wish I never learned what those words truly meant.

For the second time in only days, I felt my heart collapse. It shattered into pieces. It turned into dust. The pain flowed through my body like a current, and I wanted to scream. I wanted to run there and kill them both. I wanted to drop down on my knees and cry. I wanted to simply stop existing.

The tingling pain in my fingers made my fingers so numb that the keys I was holding dropped from my hands, and both of them turned to look at me.

The looks on their faces were very much different. While she was holding a smug expression, almost smirking at me as she held onto his hoodie, he looked petrified out of his mind. He was pale, his entire body shaking so much that I could see it from all this distance.

It was the longest silence in history. His eyes were wide on shock as he stood there, frozen, looking at me over her shoulder.

'You were right. It was done.' I muttered, fighting to get those words out as even my tongue felt like it was going numb

'We're over.'

I picked up my keys in a hurry and turned back, hearing Jimin's voice behind me.

'AMORA! THIS IS NOT WHAT IT SEEMS! AMORA!' He ran over, banging on the elevator door just a moment too late to get to me

His petrified face disappeared between the two sides of the elevator door closing, his shouting muffled and cut off, not that I heard a single word from what he said as my head was buzzing. He used to make my heart beat so loudly with happiness that it would beat away in my mind. But, right now, that very same heart is not working, so all I hear is the sound of loud, squeaky buzzing, filling my mind.

My phone went off straight away, buzzing away in my hand, his name popping up on my screen.

Instead of answering, I blocked him.
I won't be needing that number anymore.

A few minutes earlier

I've spent the last few days walking around the house like a caged animal. I couldn't sit still.

The only thing on my mind was her. She said she needed time, but it's been days. Not a single message or a call. I typed her a few messages, but I never sent them. If she needs time, then that's what I'll give her.

Or so I said, and then I couldn't stick to my word.

In the racing of my heart and mind, thinking about what she's doing, how she's feeling, if she's still angry and hurt... I need to go to her. It's been too long.

I almost ran out barefoot with how much I was hurrying to go to her. I locked my doors and turned around to run to the elevator, and I nearly had a heart attack.

'Fuck!' I jumped back, growling at the last person that I want to see right now. 'The fuck are you doing here?'

Her features that I used to think of as angelic are now nothing short of demonic. Like the rest of her. Soulless and heartless.

'Jiminie.' She called me in her cute little nickname, smiling at me, except it's not cute. It's annoying.

'I don't think so.' I scoffed, ready to run. I've got more important things.

'Wait, Jiminie. I tried calling but it told me-'

'I don't need you calling me, so I blocked your number. I also don't need to see you or speak to you. I don't need a thing from you ever again. Now, if you don't mind, get lost.'

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