𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿 , hand in hand.

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the park had taken on a different aura as evening cast its gentle shadow. the fading sunlight painted the sky with hues of orange and purple, and the park's atmosphere transformed into one of serenity.

heeseung sat on a swing, his gaze drifting towards the empty path that led into the park. he knew he might be waiting a while, but he was willing to endure every moment, even if it meant confronting a past he had tried to put behind him.

the rhythmic creaking of the swing he sat on matched the rhythm of his racing heart. he observed the children playing in the park, their laughter and innocent joy a stark contrast to the heavy emotions he carried within. the sun dipped lower on the horizon, and the world seemed to quiet around him.

as the minutes passed, and the first stars began to twinkle in the evening sky, heeseung waited for seolhee.

he waited and waited.

the weight of his past actions and the uncertainty of what lay ahead hung in the air like an unspoken promise, a promise he hoped he would have the chance to fulfill.

the park was quiet, the silence only interrupted by the occasional rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. heeseung's mind raced as he replayed his words and emotions over and over, wondering if he had made the right choice by confessing his feelings to seolhee. he knew he couldn't change the past, but he hoped for a chance to make amends.

time passed, and the evening sky continued to darken. heeseung's hope began to wane, and doubts crept into his mind. what if seolhee chose not to come? what if she had moved on and couldn't bear to revisit their shared history?

as the minutes turned into hours, heeseung's inner turmoil only intensified. the park's tranquility began to feel oppressive, a reflection of the weight of his past actions. he questioned his own motives and the impact of his confession.

he couldn't help but think of seolhee and the hurt he had caused her. the pain he had inflicted, the tears she had shed, were the result of his own fear and hesitation. he longed for a chance to make amends, to show her that he had changed and was ready to confront his feelings for her.

and then, as heeseung's hope was dwindling, he saw a figure in the distance. it was seolhee, approaching the park.

she had come.

"i'm sorry for making you wait so long, hee."

heeseung's heart skipped a beat as he watched seolhee's approach. the evening air seemed to grow warmer as she drew near, her presence both comforting and unsettling, a reminder of the love they had once shared and the pain he had caused.

the use of the old nickname, "hee," sent a wave of nostalgia washing over him, and he couldn't help but remember all the moments they had shared when they were a couple, laughing, talking, and supporting each other. it was a bittersweet reminder of what they had lost.

he stood from the swing, his movements deliberate and filled with a sense of sincerity. as he looked into seolhee's eyes, he knew that this moment was significant, a turning point in their complicated journey.

"seolhee, it's alright," heeseung said, his voice carrying a depth of emotion. "i've waited for this moment for a long time."

in those words, he conveyed not only the wait but also the longing, the remorse, and the hope that had been building inside him.

seolhee couldn't help but meet heeseung's gaze, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions — uncertainty, hope, and a lingering affection that she had never fully let go of. she took a step closer to him, bridging the gap that had separated them, a gap that seemed to have existed for too long.

heeseung and seolhee stood there for a moment, the weight of their shared history hanging between them. it was as if time had folded upon itself, bringing them back to the park, where they had once shared secrets, dreams, and their deepest feelings.

as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the park in the soft glow of twilight, heeseung took a deep breath, breaking the silence that had enveloped them. "seolhee, i know i hurt you, and i can't change the past. but i want to understand where we stand. can we start over? can we find a way to move forward, even if it's different from before?"

seolhee's heart wavered in response to his words. the scars of their past had not yet faded, and the pain he had inflicted still lingered. but at the same time, she remembered the connection they had shared, the love that had once been the center of her world.

"i don't have all the answers, heeseung," seolhee admitted. "but i'm willing to try to figure it out with you. it won't be easy, and we both have a lot to work through. but maybe... maybe it's worth it."

in that park, as the stars began to appear in the evening sky, two hearts began their tentative journey toward healing and reconciliation.

heeseung reached out, his hand cupping seolhee's cheek gently. she leaned into his touch, and the distance between them closed. in that serene, moonlit park, their lips met in a kiss that spoke of forgiveness, hope, and the possibility of a fresh start.

the world around them faded into obscurity as they lost themselves in each other's embrace, their hearts rekindling the connection that had been buried under the weight of their past. the kiss, soft and tender, carried the unspoken promise that they would face their shared history and the future together, hand in hand.

in the gentle embrace of the park, they began to rebuild the love that had once defined them, ready to embark on a new journey filled with uncertainty but also with the hope that love, once broken, could be mended and made even stronger.



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