Bike Riding (Sungho)(5)

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Next morning

Hyerin's POV: 

My eyelids feel so heavy, and I really don't want to wake up, especially after I had a terrible night's rest. "Hyerin, time to get up." Dad gently knocks on my bedroom door before he goes back into his room. I groan, forgetting that today is Saturday, the day where Dad and I buy groceries together. We don't have to buy it together, but ever since Mom died, it felt weird not to. 

I slowly crawl out of bed and brush my teeth. I feel too lazy to put effort into my outfit, and the weather is so nice that it doesn't matter what I wear. I head downstairs to eat breakfast, toast with Nutella (yum!). Dad takes one look at my pajamas and my bunny slippers and jokingly goes, "Are you sure you want to head out like that?" I nod, too focused on the chocolate to pay him any real mind. 

We head out after a few, bags in hand, ready to search the local farmer's market for fruit. Dad stays outside, looking at the vegetables laid out. I head inside the store, quickly scanning the sections for apples, thinking that Dad could bake a dessert with them. I feel some of them, checking if they're good or not. I hear the bell jingle as someone enters the market, but I pay it no mind. I should have paid it mind since, a second later, I hear someone say my name. 

I turn in confusion until my eyes land on Sungho. "Hi, Sungho," I greet him as he walks towards me. "That's an interesting outfit," Sungho comments with a teasing smile, moving towards the watermelon slices. Huh? What is he talking abou-

I remember in belated horror that I'm still in my pajamas. My mind goes a mile a minute, and I curse myself for not putting any effort into dressing up. I should have changed my outfit when Dad asked me about it. Wait, but why? I stop to think. It's just Sungho. He's my friend, so it doesn't matter what I wear. 

I sigh and glance at Sungho, noticing that he looks good as always. He's wearing a black crop shirt with jeans, but he manages to make the simple outfit look elegant. Yesterday's conversation about him looking like a model echoes in my mind, and my eyes stayed glued to him, in awe at his beauty. Sungho turns towards my direction, and I snap my head away, not wanting him to notice me staring at him. 

My heart beats fast again, though I don't understand why. I hold my hand to my chest, wondering if I'm suffering from an unknown illness or something. 

"Are you okay?" Sungho kindly asks me, appearing at my side. I nod as I take a couple of breaths, in and out, before my heart returns to its normal rhythm. "I'm fine now, thank you," I tell him, feeling guilty that I made him worry. He stares at me for a few seconds, checking to see if I'm really okay before continuing.

"Are you free today?"

Sungho's POV: 

When I walked into the market to buy a watermelon, I wasn't expecting to see Hyerin. The moment my eyes laid on her, my heart warmed at her familiar sight. Even while wearing brown bear pajamas and fuzzy bunny slippers, her presence felt comfortable. The feeling you get when  drinking hot chocolate on a winter's day. 

After I teased her about her outfit, I went to look at the watermelon. Eventually, I choose a single slice of watermelon and hold it, ready to pay, when I feel someone staring at me. I look up, realizing that it's only me and Hyerin in the store. It must have been my imagination. I shrug it off and move to pay when I realize Hyerin's holding her chest. 

After she tells me she's fine, I'm about to go the cashier before I stop in my tracks. If I leave right now, I probably won't see Hyerin until Monday. The thought saddens me enough that I find myself saying, "Are you free today?"

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